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Things that make absolute sense at KDI School

  • Date 2024-05-14 09:08
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit541

With many fascinating, unique, and unusual facilities and services at KDIS, I was interested to know what students found most fascinating at the School. My curiosity pushed me to ask some students about the things they found most interesting and thoughtful. Here is what they have to say. 

1. The Piano

“The first time I saw the piano (and previously a guitar, too!) by Chunji Lounge, I was surprised to know we had such facilities to play musical instruments in a public policy school. Still, I was also regretful thinking I wouldn’t be able to make much use of it anyway because I didn’t know how. 

Little did I know that the space became a reliable escape during the Spring term to destress as I was blessed with KDI School friends who could play. Whether it was a break after a 7-10:30 PM class or simply to reconnect with songs we grew up listening to in our country during the day, I witnessed how the piano brought countrymen and also different nationalities together, as we listened and sang along. 

With music as a universal language, having a piano in KDI School makes so much more sense than I initially thought”.

- Angelika Mari R. Gultia, 2023 MDP, Philippines

2. 24/7 Library Service

“The 24/7 Library Service offered by the KDI School has been instrumental in fostering my academic achievements. Without a fixed reading schedule, studying in my room proves challenging due to potential distractions, especially with my bed nearby. Consequently, having seamless booking and access to the main reading room, personal reading spaces, multimedia area or computer rooms, coupled with both online and offline library materials around the clock, has significantly optimized my study routine. The seamless accessibility of these resources is a testament to KDIS’ student-focused planning”.

- Chidiebere Joshua Onyeme, 2024 MIPD, Nigeria

3. The Nap Lounge and Sound-Proof Booths 

“The nap lounge in the library is just brilliant! It offers students a chance to recharge right where they're studying. Taking a 15-20-minute nap can work wonders for stress relief, relaxation, and boosting energy, not to mention that it's making it easier to focus and be productive afterwards. It's like a power-up for your brain.

Also, the soundproof booth is a game-changer for me because it offers a space where I can tune out the world and dive deep into my studies without any distractions. It's cool that you can lock yourself in. It's like having your little cocoon of concentration that allows you to focus, and you know no one will disturb you”.

- Valentina Blanovschi, 2024 MPP, Moldova

4. Vobiscum Cafe

“Vobiscum Cafe is one of the places that I like in KDIS. It is a place where I feel relaxed while having drinks or snacks. I enjoy the view of nature by looking out the windows and enjoying cool music, particularly on rainy days. I recommend students to try out the chicken panini and coffee latte which is an amazing duo”.

- Bewar Abdulazeez Sedo, 2022 PP, Iraq

5. Ability to Borrow Laptops and Calculators from the School

“I love the fact that I can have access to a laptop or calculator from the KDIS Library. My laptop was spoilt just a few days before my QM online exams, and imagine the joy I felt when I heard that I could borrow a laptop from the School and return it at a later date. This service is not only thoughtful but a testament to the extent to which the School goes to ensure that students have a hitch-free learning experience”.

- Lawrencia Bosomprah, 2023 MPP, Ghana

The facilities at KDIS are not just functional; they are designed to foster a sense of community and belonging among the student body. As students go through academic hurdles, these facilities contribute to an enriching graduate school experience.  

ANZAKU, Faith Asheadzi

2024 Spring / MPP / Nigeria

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