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Two Steps for NIIED Recommendation Letter Submission

  • Name입학팀
  • Date2024-03-27 16:09
  • Hit17,428

Two Steps for NIIED Recommendation Letter Submission

1. KDI School Application System - Online Submission:

Access the application system and enter the email addresses of your two recommenders.Obtain two electronic recommendations via the system.

2. NIIED Recommendation Letter Submission - Hard copy Offline Submission: 

Even after submitting your recommendation letters online, you are required to submit two physical copies of NIIED Form 5 as well. Since your online recommendations have already been submitted, you only need to complete the basic information on Form 5 and secure the signatures of your two recommenders. After obtaining the signatures, ensure that the form is properly sealed. The final step involves sending these two signed and sealed recommendations to KDI School by post.