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The paper by Professor Chrysostomos Tabakis has been published in Review of Development Economics

  • Name최고관리자
  • Date 2023-11-23 09:23
  • Hit147

The paper by Professor Chrysostomos Tabakis has been published in Review of Development Economics 사진1

Understanding the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic for households' welfare in regions subject to fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV) is important to inform programs and policies in this context. Harmonized data from high-frequency phone surveys indicates that, at the onset of the pandemic, a higher fraction of respondents in FCV regions relative to non-FCV ones faced adverse household income changes and reported to have stopped working since the outbreak of the crisis. On top of that, households in FCV regions were far less likely to have received government assistance than those in non-FCV regions. These findings suggest that, at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a widening of the preexisting economic gap between FCV and non-FCV regions, raising the recovery bar for the former.
