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Club activities

  • Date 2005-08-01 00:46
  • CategoryNews
  • Hit1883



Serving as a bridge to connect students with the same interests, club activities are playing an active role in enriching campus life. With the goal of helping students become even better friends, clubs allow for a sociable and enjoyable environment between not only their own members, but also members in other clubs.

Right on chobuk, traditionally the hottest summer day, members of the International Food & Wine Club and Maht Jip Club gathered in a student festival called the Joint Party. Building on the success of the previous Food and Wine party, the second meeting attracted even more students, both Korean and international. Approximately 30 KDI students and other guests from Enhwa University festively celebrated the uniqueness of the types of beverages, dances, and traditions of each other’s cultures.

In keeping with the name of the club, participants from the Food and Drink club enjoyed over 10 kinds of international drinks, including Tequila, Vodka, Coconut wine, Cream wine, and many others, all with tasty complements to match. The party was highlighted by Victor Quisano’s informative presentation on Tequila, an alcoholic drink made in the arid highlands of central Mexico. Tasting this “gift from the gods” and enjoying some good Latin music lifted the spirit of all who were there. The festival was also fortunate to have a presentation on “Korean Traditional Wines” by the Maht Jip club. With more than 10 kinds of traditional wines, the introduction was an opportunity for international students to taste unique Korean spirits and share in the uniqueness of all the different cultures represented. Among the various kinds of wine, pokbunja was most favored for its sweet taste and special connection to health.

As the evening progressed, the gathering became even more exciting and enjoyable. It seemed that the party would last long into the night as Latin, Rock and Roll, Hip Hop, … even Southeast Asian music continued to be pumped out of the speakers. Sunk in pleasure were the steps of Flamenco dance, Rap, Disco and traditional Cambodian Lamvong. “We are joining together and sharing our joy and happiness with each other”, said the Representative of International Food and Wine club.



By Hieu Thi Minh VUONG(2005 MPP)

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