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Student Activities

  • Date 2006-05-01 09:05
  • CategoryNews
  • Hit1642

Seoul City Tour

Right on the very first week of February, a Seoul Tour, an annual event, was organized to introduce the typical ancient and modern culture of Korea to international students. Such a cold weather that day could make anyone freezing but could not cease the anxiety inside them. It was wonderful to enjoy the city’s scenery as touring by KDI buses.

There were four main stops: the National Museum, the Royal Palace, Namsan Tower and Namdemun Market.

The very skillful tour guide introduced fluently the history of Korea from the ancient time to modern life, from the history to the interesting stories and customs regarding the royal life. On the way to the Royal Palace, it was a great honour to see the “blue house”, the office of the President of Korea. Clearer view of Seoul was seen from Namsan Tower, the third-highest tower in the world. A more detail of typical modern lifestyle in Seoul was previewed at Namdemun Market, the market at the Big South Gate of the capital of Korea.


Korea Traditional Stage Tour

Curiosity, joy and fun were what all the international students year 2006 felt as they explored the culture of Korea through traditional music at Chongdong Theatre on February the 4th, 2006.

Everybody had a chance to put himself or herself into the old time of Korea history by wearing the traditional costumes of the King, the Queen, the military and social mandarins and even the servants. Students from different cultures, different continents on the earth all had the same feeling that they were living in the royal palace many years ago in Korea.

More interesting was the traditional music show inside the Chongdong Theatre. All the items were performed in groups with four main stages: drum, dance, song, and music instruments. Each one described the daily life activities, the belief and customs of people in the old days. At the end of the show, the actors and actress came to the audience to take pictures. The tour ended with the enjoying of eating cultural of Korea with Ginseng chicken stew called “samkyetang”.


Upcoming Korean Folk Village Tour

A very interesting tour to Korean Folk Village will take place on the very first day of April. This is a valuable opportunity for any international students who want to know more about Korean culture.

You will have a chance to see a Korean traditional wedding ceremony, visit traditional house, handicrafts and enjoy broad jumping and acrobatic on a tightrope. Don’t miss this fantastic event and have a good time.


By Do Kim Ngan (2006 MPP)

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