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KDI School Seminar: Research Seminar and GISS

  • Date 2006-08-01 09:02
  • CategoryResearch and Education
  • Hit1524

According to the results of a survey done by the Social Science Research Network (SSRN), the KDI School ranked 1st among all business schools in Korea, 6th among all schools in Asia, and 38th in overall non-US International Business Schools based upon the number of downloaded faculty research papers by KDI School professors.

Rankings are seen as extensions of the academic community’s sentiment on the quality of the research of each institution. Although a comparatively young school, the KDI School has quickly been able to establish itself as an institute of higher academic education and quality research.

Since it’s inception, the KDI School has been very diligent in fostering solid academics and quality outputs by its faculty, students, and staff. In addition to the highly qualified faculty, a 1:8 faculty to student ratio, and expansive support structures, the school administration has adopted policies to strongly support faculty research initiatives.

The research atmosphere is further encouraged by the KDI School’s performance evaluations which motivate faculty members to maintain high standards in the quantity and quality of their academic research. Faculty who publish in top tier journals are provided with additional benefits and compensation.

Believing that research plays a critical role in the advancement of education, the KDI School also holds research seminars on a weekly to biweekly basis every Friday during the school semesters.

KDI School Professors host the seminar for students, faculty from other schools, and the general community to enjoy a casual lunch while listening to summaries of research initiatives. The seminar presentations and discussions enable participants to keep abreast of the latest research projects and developments while also allowing the faculty to fine-tune working papers ahead of official publication submissions.

The seminar series also invites outside researchers to discus their papers and present their findings to the open forum. This includes guests from the Bank of Korea, IMF, National University of Singapore, Temple University, Stanford Law School, Hitotsubashi University and many others. Professor Woochan Kim, who is in charge of organizing research seminars, points out Mark Noland, Korea economy specialist from IIE (Institute for International Economics) as one of the memorable outside speakers. His presentation entitled “Religion, Culture, and Economic Performance" was very well attended and warmly received by the KDI School community.

In addition to the Faculty Research Seminars, the KDI School is also hosting a new Global Issues Seminar Series - Spring 2006 (GISS), sponsored by the World Bank External Affairs office. The series is tentatively composed of 13 topics, spanning from April to June, 2006. The series will cover four broad themes of the Global Economy, Global Human Development, Global Environment, and Global Governance.

GISS connects experts at the World Bank and participants from six Asia-Pacific countries through multi-linked video conferences. Through the advanced equipment available to the program, restrictions of time and place no longer apply to the participants. Forums and seminars are held around the world and allow the presenters and participants to embrace the ideas and findings from peers without limit to boundaries and time. The program format includes seminar presentations followed by detailed Q & A sessions.

For more information about KDI School research seminars, or to browse through the current working papers of KDI School faculty, please click on the links below.

KDI School Research Seminar: http://www.kdischool.ac.kr/faculty/seminar.asp

KDI School Working Papers Series & SSRN link: http://www.kdischool.ac.kr/faculty/paper.asp

By Moon Jung Kim (2006 MBA)

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