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Taking the next step

  • Date 2009-12-01 09:02
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1781


Former KOICA project manager Xeniya Berdnikova is falling in love with the KDI School and its outstanding quality of education.


“After graduating from University, I started working in the representative office of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) in Kazakhstan. Working at KOICA, I learned a lot about Korea, its outstanding culture, the hard-working personality of the generous Korean people, and their high quality education system.” Consequently, it was during her time at KOICA that Ms. Xeniya Berdnikova developed a firm resolve to pursue further studies in Korea.

“I learned about the National Institute for International Education Development (NIIED) program from the Korean Educational Center in my country.” Through NIIED, she applied to the three-year Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP), and was fortunately selected in the summer of 2008. The KGSP is structured into one-year of Korean language studies and two-years of degree-aimed academic coursework. 

Thanks to her prominent passion and motivation, Ms. Berdnikova had many opportunities to study in several reputable graduate schools of Korea for her program. Eventually, she decided to study at the KDI School with a strong conviction. “When speaking with various KDI School alumni, I learned that they were all highly satisfied and impressed with the KDI School and its programs. Moreover, my former director, who is the current permanent representative of KOICA in Kazakhstan, graduated from the KDI School as well. He used to tell me about his studies and fond memories of the school.”

When inquired about her experiences at the KDI School, she shares, “To be honest, it is very tough. But I really like it. I came here to study and to receive a high-quality education, and the KDI School definitely provides me with a stimulating and challenging environment in which to achieve my goals.”

After graduating, Ms. Berdnikova hopes to work for international organizations like the World Bank or the Asian Development Bank. Though she shares her career aspirations with a slightly Basgfulsmile, the path that she is currently embarking on appears promising for her future.


By Dong Hee Kim (2009 MBA)

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