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Join in on the KDI School Clubs!

  • Date 2010-05-01 09:04
  • CategoryNews
  • Hit2020


Despite the name, the club bears no similarity to the 2004 thriller. However, it does make reference to the butterfly effect in chaos theory, which theorizes that a change in something seemingly innocuous, such as a flap of a butterfly''s wings, may have unexpectedly larger consequences in the future. The Butterfly Effect club is dedicated to donating safe and clean water sources primarily across Africa through seeking funds and donations. To this effect, the club will hold several events such as selling cookies, foods, collecting book donations and a fundraising party at the end of the semester. The proceeds will then be sent to a local nonprofit organization on the ground in a bid to improve the quality of lives through provision of safe and clean water. “We hope that these small contributions can make big changes, thus the name,”club president Hyunji explained with a smile.
<Contact Information: Hyunji Park / hyunjipak@gmail.com>



The Christian Community club was formed with the purpose of providing a positive influence on society and the KDI School community in particular, by developing friendly relations amongst members and a strengthened relationship with God. Every week, the club has a meeting where members share their lives, sing praises and study the Bible. During the summer, a retreat to revive spirituality and enjoy communication with one another is being planned, and in the autumn, a Soraksan trip to enjoy the beautiful fall foliage. Club members also hope to volunteer at an orphanage, as well as engage in other activities that can unite and strengthen fellowship.
< Contact Information: Yevgeniy Khon / evgenyhong@gmail.com>



The Debate club is a venue where students can think critically about information that is thrown their way while at the KDI School and in their professional lives. Club meetings are held every Wednesday at 6:30 pm to debate current issues as well as topics of interest including politics, economy, environment and human rights. Members aim to objectively discuss and comprehend the pros and cons of various topics. The club also provides members the opportunity to improve their English skills and expand their networks.
<Contact Information: Zahra Rasouli / zrasouli@gmail.com>



The NFL Society club’s mission is to give all interested students (not just those taking finance courses) an opportunity to understand finance better in a more practical, fun way. The secondary mission is to bring together international and Korean students by interspersing finance events with a few social gatherings. How will that be achieved? Mainly by inviting speakers from both inside & outside KDI to present a topic of interest, show case studies on Korean companies, and more!
<Contact Information: Dana Aleksic / dana.aleksic@yahoo.com, Yewon Jung / yewonjung85@gmail.com>



The Marathon club of the KDI School, organized by Professor Tae Hee Choi, is famous for its long history and the close relationships it fosters between club members. Besides running, they also take part in rock climbing and tracking activities. After such physical exertion, members enjoy quenching their thirst and bonding with one another over beer. The club’s lengthy history has accumulated memorable anecdotes, such as instances where one alumnus ran 17 kilometers wearing dress shoes, and another member temporarily lost power in his leg after a running spree. Create your own unforgettable experience by joining in on the fun!
<Contact Information: Jae Hak Sim / 93358298@naver.com>



Many students know about the table tennis room in the Union building. However, not many students know that the KDI School has a Table Tennis club. Like the Taekwondo club and the Marathon club, the Table Tennis club attracts many sports enthusiasts to build friendships through collective physical exercise. The leader of the club, Korean Air Force pilot Sung Jun Park said, “You will be startled by our members’ skills. If you want to experience it for yourself, come and play within our club. We are looking forward to welcoming more students as our members.”
<Contact Information: Sung Jun Park / juni0451@naver.com>



This year, the club comprises of the fourth group of students receiving lessons at the International Taekwondo School. The club kicked off with 16 members who participated in the first training session. The Taekwondo lessons taught by Master Shin take place twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays. But that is not all. For those who want to go for the black belt, there is the possibility of attending class every weekday. Let’s hope some avid members accomplish this challenging feat! Everyone who wants to join is welcome - and not only those who are interested in Taekwondo. As the name of the club implies, other sports activities such as basketball, tennis, hiking, etc., hope to be coordinated in warmer months.
<Contact Information: Pavla Kubinova / pajushk@gmail.com>


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