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[People in KDIS] Divine Che Nimang (2020 MPM)

  • Date 2020-10-22 01:24
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1852

1. Briefly introduce yourself please!

My name is NIMANG Divine Che, and I''m from Cameroon, the most cultural and ethnic diversified nation in Africa. It is one of two countries in the world and the only nation in Africa to utilize both English and French as the official languages. Before coming to Korea, I prided myself in developing a career in the financial sector, working as a Business/Credit Analyst with 7 years of working experience. However, my love of knowledge and sharing inspired me to return to the educational field in which I started as a student. Prior my stay in Korea, I was employed as a banker and a teacher.


2. What made you choose to come to Korea and study at KDIS? What is it like living in Korea?

My future plans require complex knowledge of Public Policy and Management. A master’s degree in this domain was therefore a “do or die” situation. After conducting a comparative study on other universities and KDI School of Public Policy and Management, I discovered that they all offer similar courses, but KDI School had professors with extensive field and classroom experience while also offering the possibility of a scholarship. Tell me, why not KDI School?

Living in Korea is an ongoing learning process. The new culture, language, food, and others, are challenges I enjoy and will undertake until I finally leave. Notwithstanding these adjustments, the people are welcoming, willing to help at the slightest opportunity, and the younger generations are so fun loving and willing to learn more about the interesting and social culture of foreigners.


3. Tell us about your country! What do you miss the most?

“Africa in miniature” is just the best description of my country Cameroon. I would call it a one-stop shop/country representing Africa in its entirety. Our diversity, not only cultural and ethnic-wise, but also our geography I do pride myself on. It has everything -- coastal regions with black and white sandy beaches, desert regions in the north, vast expanses of grass fields of the west, and forests. Cameroon is diverse in every the sense of the word.

What I miss most about my country is “La joie de vivre”, a mot à mot word-to-word translation would be “the joy of living.” Our diversity is a strength of our “vie quotidienne” (daily life). With over 250 different ethnicities, I do miss the diversity -- people coming from all walks of life. In addition, there''s the food, the music, dress, local language, and my office.


4. When are you graduating? What are your plans after graduation?

Fortunately, or unfortunately, there is always an end to every beginning. At this point I am actually on my way out of KDI School, and I will soon graduate in December 2020. I will for sure miss KDI School and Korea, but with how ambitious I am, I could come back some day.

I had and still have the ambition of bringing a positive change and energy to any environment I find myself in and to work for the general wellbeing of the less privileged and those who are suffering. To be specific, I would like to be a job creator, an entrepreneur, and employer in the near future. However, I primarily aim to be actively involved in the major decisions and policy implementations back in my home country, which is the main reason I could not hesitate to take this Master’s Program in KDI School.


5. What motivates you to study?

While talking with my friends, I discovered that we have contrary views on different kinds of study and motivation to study. Many study or read for long hours to attain good grades. However, grades has never been my motivation to study. Some of the most important life lesson are learned not only in a classroom or library, but through your interactions with others, which provides you a wide range of understandings of different cultures, e.g., why people behave or think the way they do. I study for the purpose of acquiring knowledge, for knowledge is power. This knowledge does not come only from textbooks or lecture notes, but equally from mingling with friends and having meaningful discussions, exchange ideas or engaging in debates.


6. What is your ultimate goal of life?

My personal goals stem from a humanitarian perspective, rather than the professional aspect of life. I envisage a life void of discrimination: that based on one’s skin color, one’s continent, religion, and one’s sexual orientation. A world where peace, love and dialogue are used to resolve differences rather than wars, guns, and bombs. Whatever I do, wherever I find myself, I try to contribute what little I can to make this possible.

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