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KDI School and COVID-19: Before and After

  • Date 2020-12-23 06:32
  • CategoryNews
  • Hit2218

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, classroom lectures were shifted online. This changed the dynamic of the learning environment inside KDI School in early 2020. Now in their Fall semester, KDIS students are able to experience hybrid classes which is indeed a breath of fresh air for the students. KDI School has taken all the necessary COVID-19 precautions to keep its students and staff safe.



The KDI School courtyard is bedecked with gowns and hats on the 3rd of August as the school hosted its 2020 Summer Completion Ceremony. The ceremony, which was shifted from a Zoom-only event to a small, safe gathering in the courtyard, brought completing students and their friends together one final time. This was an opportunity to congratulate each other and capture the memories with beautiful photographs.


In response to the pandemic’s mandate for a paradigm shift in all physical activities, KDI School adopted a contemporary approach-the transition from hosting outdoor activities physically to hosting the same activities virtually. With this newly adopted approach, students can still virtually enjoy fun activities which would have otherwise required physical contact.


The Globe – KDI School Yearzine 2020

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