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Share Your Special KDIS Story - Andrianony Ny Aina Ianjatina (2020, MPM)

  • Date 2022-04-14 14:33
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1404

Meet Andrianony Ny Aina Ianjatina (MPM 2020), who has a big heart that's filled with dreams of achieving sustainable development as a lecturer. Through the “Share Your Special KDIS Story” event, she talks about her special story with KDI School, which has helped her reach her dream and give her family a special gift. 

1. Could you introduce yourself to readers?

My name is Andrianony Ny Aina Ianjatina, but people just call me "Ianja." I am currently studying in the Master of Public Management program at the KDI School. I am one of only two recipients of the NIIED-KGSP Scholarship in my country, Madagascar, in 2019. 

Since my first year of college, I have worked in a variety of positions to study and manage my financial obligations. I worked as a high-school mathematics teacher at two different schools, a part-time accountant, and a wedding decorator. After completing my undergrad, I had the opportunity to work as a banker for three years. My work experience at the bank made me think about the importance of furthering my education. Initially, I considered completing my master’s degree in my own country; however, I was fortunate enough to learn about the full scholarship for the KDI School funded by the Korean government. I applied for the scholarship without hesitation, and thankfully, I was accepted into the Master of Public Management program beginning in 2020 and received the full scholarship.

2. Could you tell us some stories about your home country? Please tell us more about Madagascar.

Madagascar is a beautiful island located in the South East of Africa. The country is endowed with various natural resources, such as vanilla. Madagascar is the largest exporter of vanilla in the world. Madagascar is also called “Moramora” country, where local people are friendly and nice, life is really slow, and goods are affordable. 

However, it is sad to say that Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in the world. It is estimated that 75% of the population lives on less than 1.9 dollars a day, and I was also one of them. My mother had to be the breadwinner of my family because she is a single mother. However, she didn't make enough to support my family, so I had to work extra hours to help my mother and family. Since I grew up with multiple jobs, I realized the only way to change our situation was to get a better education so that I could get a more stable and professional job. Fortunately, my hard work paid off, and I could seize a chance to pursue higher education at KDI School with a full scholarship for a better future.

3. What motivates you to study for your master’s degree at KDI School? 

I want a brighter future, not only for my family and me but also for my country and the next generation. I created my concept of “Sustainable Development” for this dream, which encompasses inclusive and accessible development that leads to everyone in society living happily and peacefully.

Achieving sustainable development motivates me to study at the KDI School. This goal could sound too ambitious, but I believe small changes from each person can shape the world into a better place through sustainable development. I want to be a lecturer so that I can contribute to these small improvements by educating the future generation and establishing a favorable environment for them to improve the world in the long run. I truly believe my experience at the KDI School will allow me to achieve this dream.

4. Do you have any special stories to share about the KDI School? Has your experience changed your life in some way?

My time at the KDI School has had a significant impact on my life. Being able to study at the KDI School was the best thing that could have happened to me since it allowed me to do something that I could never have done in my home country. In addition to studying, I had diverse experiences at school, such as working as a class assistant (CA), teaching assistant (TA), and an administrative assistant (AA). These experiences allowed me to interact with various people at school, gain teaching experience, and earn additional scholarships. 

Moreover, I gained fun memories from multiple events that were offered by the KDI School. Through field trips and cultural classes, I got to explore other cities in Korea and learn about their distinct cultures. The Song and Dance Festival was also a great experience for me. Despite my shyness, I played guitar at the event, and it helped me overcome my fear of doing things in public. Being a part of the TEDxTalk organizing team was also meaningful since it gave me the chance to meet many new people at the school. Most importantly, I am grateful for the opportunity to meet the KDI School's wonderful, inspiring professors. Their teaching methods and resources inspired me to pursue my dream of becoming a lecturer in the future.

These special experiences and scholarships at the KDI School have not just changed my life but also the lives of my family. I was able to build a house for my mother in Madagascar with the help of these scholarships, and we will be able to live together when I return home. I am grateful beyond words for this accomplishment as a result of my studies at KDI School.

5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I am not sure where I will be or what I will be doing in 5 years, but I hope to contribute to the next generation’s education as a lecturer.

Youjeong Park

2022 Spring / MDP / Republic of Korea

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