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KDIS Stands for PEACE - Winner's Interview with Yonas Solomon Geberemeskel (2022 MPP)

  • Date 2022-05-10 15:19
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1494

“No one will gain from instability and war.” Yonas Solomon, a friend of the Spring 2022 MPP program, hailing from Eritrea, has been sharing his story about peace with us and telling us what he thinks about peace and its impact on the world. Born in Eritrea, a country that emerged after years of wars and instability, Yonas has experienced a world without peace, which he will talk about in this interview.

Hi Yonas, can you introduce yourself and tell us a little bit more about yourself?

My full name is Yonas Solomon Geberemeskel. I am an MPP, a spring 2022 student, and I came from Eritrea.

What did you do before coming to the KDI School?

I worked in both the public and private sectors. I was a department head and teacher at a senior high school, and I have also worked as a fiscal planning expert at the Ministry of Finance in Eritrea. Finally, before I came to KDIS, I worked as a Senior Accountant with a construction company called Medco Group in Ghana.

Can you tell us more about your country? What is special about your country?

Eritrea is a country that emerged after years of a bloody war with Ethiopia. It is a beautiful country with pleasant weather, we have long, clean beaches, and the people of Eritrea are diverse, welcoming, and generous.

In regards to our campaign, we would like to know what peace means to you?

Peace means everything to me! Peace starts within you and then extends to your fellow man. If you can live peacefully with your fellow man, like your friends, your family members, and society at large, you will gain more satisfaction and happiness, and you become more productive. As such, without peace, everything else is nothing. All economic, social, political, and various aspects of human advancements depend on peace. Otherwise, whatever pinnacle of economic prosperity may be possible will just be useless.

What do you think would happen if there was no peace in this world? And how would you feel about it?

As I already said, if there is no peace, there will be chaos at every level of society and human strata. No one will gain anything from instability and war. Resources are wasted, lives are lost, families are broken, and pain and grief live in every soul. Supply chains are being cut, the prices of oil and gas are climbing, and ordinary citizens in the developing world are suffering the consequences. Such is the result of war. Hence, peace must be pursued and we must work hard to keep it.

Do you have any special personal story in regards to peace?

Yes. When I was a child, a war broke out between Eritrea and Ethiopia over a border dispute. My father was enlisted in the army and fought in the war. Luckily, he was not injured or killed, but during those years, we lived in fear, not knowing whether he was going to come back. It is this real-life experience that created my belief that peace must be pursued at any cost and it’s worth fighting for.

Lastly, do you have any words for our readers?

Let’s fight for peace. Let’s start with our neighbors and friends. Maintaining peace is hard, but it's possible if we all can get past our pride. Let’s build a better environment for future generations. Thank you.

Kartika Paramaswari

2022 Spring / MPP / Indonesia

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