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KDIS Stands for PEACE - Winner's Interview with Tamar Aptsiauri (2022 MPM)

  • Date 2022-05-12 13:25
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1145

Meet Tamar Aptsiauri (MPM 2022) from Georgia, who has come to the KDI School to expand her knowledge and explore Korean culture. Through the "KDI School Stands for PEACE" event, she shared various thoughts on peace based on her experiences and cultural background. For her peace quote, she chose "For a beautiful and peaceful world, one must abandon all notions of otherness and instead embrace togetherness." Let's dive into her peace story behind the quote.

Could you introduce yourself to readers?

Hello, everyone! My name is Tamar Aptsiauri, and I'm from Georgia. I am a 2022 MPM student and am 26 years old. I would like to introduce my country, Georgia, to some of you who may not know about it. Georgia is a country in Europe, bordered by the Black Sea, Russia, Turkey, and Armenia. I earned my bachelor's and master's degree in Business administration back in my home county and came to the KDI School to expand my knowledge and experience Korean culture.

What made you decide to participate in the "KDI School Stands for PEACE" event?


I came from a country that has a long history of conflicts with border countries. Thus, I think all Georgians are aware of the value of peace. Georgian's fears became a reality back in 2008, when war broke out. We survived, but I think Georgia is less secure now than before the war. Some Georgian soldiers in Ukraine said they were fighting for Ukraine in order to protect Georgia, and I think that says everything. I observe this horrible situation every day and realize how vital peace is for every citizen. I wanted to participate in this event to be helpful, spread the word, and encourage people to stand for peace.

What is your PEACE quote?


"For a beautiful and peaceful world, one must abandon all notions of otherness and instead embrace togetherness." Let's Stand for Peace Together With #KDISCHOOL 

Could you elaborate more on the meaning behind your PEACE quote? 

In 2008, beyond diplomatic efforts and humanitarian aid, the international community did little to stop the Georgia-Russia conflict. No one was willing to go to war for Georgia, out of fear of provoking Russia. The same is happening now with the Ukraine war, which is disappointing. If each country realized that this is not only one nation's problem and considered the importance of togetherness, there would not be so many innocent people suffering and dying every day.

It is crucial to have peace in order to sustain our lives, but peace can easily disappear if we do not appreciate little peaceful moments in our daily lives. Have you had any peaceful moments or time to think about peace lately? Please tell us about it.


While I was searching for peace quotes, I came across another quote: "When you make peace with yourself, you make peace for the world." At first, I agreed with the quote, but I feel like we, as a group, should find peace in ourselves so that we can spread it into the world and make the world more peaceful. Regarding my recent peaceful day, it was in April when I went to see cherry blossoms in Sejong. The weather was sunny, and everything was so colorful and beautiful. Many people were enjoying their time, taking pictures, and laughing together. Despite being so crowded, it was all so calm and relaxing, as it was filled with joy and happiness, so I felt at peace there.

Could you choose one essential thing that must exist for peace? And could you share your opinions on how we should work with each other to achieve it?


If I had to choose one thing, it would be understanding. I wish people stop hating and start understanding each other. Nowadays, we all see a lot of violence, hate, and anger on social media platforms just because someone does not meet certain social standards or because people do not like a person. We should work to address this kind of behavior; creating harmony between people could end war around the world.

Do you have any last words to share? Please share your words if you have any!


I would like to thank all participants and the KDI School for creating this meaningful event and for giving us an opportunity to think about the importance of peace for a better future.

Youjeong Park

2022 Spring / MDP / Republic of Korea

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