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Happy Place in KDISejong - Winner's Interview with Auneria Corea (MDP 2022)

  • Date 2022-07-14 10:48
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1077

Everyone has their own definition of a happy place. Some might say it is somewhere they can be alone and rest, while others might think of it as a place where they can mingle and share stories. Each person's definition is special and unique to them.

Auneria Corea, from Nicaragua, said that one of her happy places at KDI School is our little Vobiscum Café on the third floor of the KDI School building. Let's listen to Auneria’s story of her journey and her happy place at KDI School.

Hi Auneria! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, including your occupation and background before coming to KDI School?

Hello! I’m Auneria Corea, I’m currently studying for a Master’s in Development Policy at KDI School. I come from Nicaragua, a beautiful tropical country in Central America.

I have a bachelor's degree in applied economics, and before coming to KDI School I was part of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) team in Nicaragua. Thanks to that, I was able to learn a lot about development in the global agenda, and my experience there was one of the main reasons why I knew I needed to study more about development policy.

Why did you choose to study at KDI School?

As I mentioned, I previously had the amazing opportunity to learn about policymaking by being directly involved in the process, but I felt that I needed to strengthen my theoretical and practical knowledge. That is why I started looking all around the world for master’s programs related to development policy. KDI's curriculum truly had something special, so I decided to take a chance on it, even though it would be a complete challenge to be that far from my country and my culture. Fortunately, I was accepted, and I’ve been here for seven months so far.

During this time, I have learned a lot from my classes but even more from the multicultural environment and all the experiences I’ve shared with my amazing classmates.

In your submission for the HappyPlaceKDISejong event, you mentioned that your happy place is Vobiscum Café at KDI School. Could you tell us what is special about that place?

I was thinking for quite a while about where my happy place is, and I realized mine was Vobiscum Café. I won’t lie, I love coffee, and that definitely increases the score. But besides that and the fact that Korea has really great places everywhere, I’ve had the most amazing times and shared many stories on the sofas. They are practically our office now.

I’ve spent quality time with our KDIS family there, and I’ve met a lot of friends, had intense debates (sometimes mixing a lot of languages), studied, and even found my doppelganger there.

So yes, whenever I think about the places where I’ve had the most fun at KDIS, Vobiscum Café definitely stands out because, in the end, it’s not only a place but also who is with us there, and the people I know really bring me light and happiness while we share a cafecito.

What do you think about the study space in KDI School? Do you think the facilities are sufficient to support student activities? Also, do you have a favorite study space at KDI School?

KDI's facilities are one of the best features of the school. In the library, computer lab, study group rooms, and many other places, you can work comfortably work alone or in groups or even have a power nap. I’m really happy and comfortable working there. My favorite place to work depends on my mood and the type of work I'm doing, but the group study rooms and the smart tables are my favorite.

And one last question: Do you have any words for fellow readers who want to come to KDI School?

It is a unique and insightful experience. I want to reaffirm what I said early: One of the most valuable things about being at KDI School is the diversity of the student body. In classrooms, you can learn from top-notch professors with various backgrounds and expertise who give you theoretical knowledge. But also, during discussions with your classmates and debates off-campus, you can learn and share how the knowledge is or is not applicable in totally different contexts, and you get new perspectives that enrich your learning process. By learning from others, you become more empathetic and sensitive, and all of this surely will help you and the people around you become agents of change for a better world.

Kartika Paramaswari

2022 Spring / MPP / Indonesia

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