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A Story of the Future Policymaker in the Field of Education, Eunseong Kang (MDP 2022)

  • Date 2022-07-27 13:47
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1162

If you develop a passion for a certain subject or face a challenge in life, you probably get a good idea of what you want to study in university. This was the case for Eunseong, who decided to pursue graduate-level studies at KDI School in order to pursue her dream of studying policymaking in the field of education.

Could you please introduce yourself to the audience?

Hello. My name is Kang Eunseong. I came to KDI School this spring semester, and I am currently enrolled in the MDP (Master of Development Policy) program.

What was your motivation to apply to KDI School and for your particular program of study?

First of all, I was motivated by my work experience as an undergrad, which inspired me to become a policymaker in education. I worked at an international non-profit organization called AIESEC, where I first learned about Sustainable Development Goals. I was a local committee president at my university, and my main responsibilities were to design an annual operational plan, manage inbound and outbound SDG volunteer programs, provide leadership experience, and contribute to SDGs, specifically SDG 4 and 13.

The two lessons I learned from this experience were that education on global citizenship are important in making a more sustainable society and that equal access to quality education should be assured, regardless of students' backgrounds. With those learned lessons, I decided to become an education policymaker.

Therefore, while searching for graduate schools where I could learn about policymaking in education, I came across KDI School. After thoroughly reviewing the program design there, I decided to apply because the curriculum would allow students to learn both education development policy and various policy management methods. And as I hoped, I am now fully enjoying my time at KDIS by taking many courses relevant to education and policy analysis.

What was your impression of studying at KDIS after completing your first semester?

At KDIS, there are two economic courses which are required for all MDP students. The only concern I had before starting the first semester was whether I would be able to succeed in those courses, as I had no background in economics at that time. I struggled at first to comprehend the economic concepts, but, as you know, nothing is impossible. I reviewed the textbooks, took practice quizzes, and also asked for help from my professors and peers. In the end, I did well in both courses and became more confident with economics. Also, it motivated me to take a policy analysis course, Analysis of Education Policy in Comparative Perspectives, this summer, and I could apply my economic knowledge there.

Another thing I would like to mention is the learning and diverse environment of KDI School. Apart from various nationalities, the students' diverse professional backgrounds and experiences have allowed me to get broader insights into policies and country issues. As most of the courses strongly emphasize discussion during each course, this allowed me to understand issues from the perspectives of other countries and parts of society.

Furthermore, professors at KDI School are very responsive and open to students' questions and requests. I have often encountered professors openly responding to feedback and requests from students and trying to reflect them in lectures. I have been really impressed by such a learning environment and the participative and interactive culture of KDIS.

What do you usually do besides study?

I try to balance my academic life and social life. I sometimes spend time with my friends, exploring good restaurants and cafes in Sejong. During the spring semester, I applied for the KDIS Buddy Program and became a buddy with two international students. I am very happy to have the chance to show introduce local places and help my new friends learn more about Korean culture. But since I am taking more intensive courses this semester, my schedule does not allow me to go out often. Still, I try to find time for fun activities at KDIS, such as the Zumba club and hiking club.

Riding a bicycle is another of the best parts of school life. During exam periods, it allows me to escape for a while and refresh myself. I sometimes ride a bicycle with friends from KDIS friends, but it is quite difficult during the heat and humidity of summer. But anyway, I am always trying to ride whenever I have the time.

Additionally, I recently began swimming and also started doing Pilates to maintain my health and gain more strength. And whenever I have any other spare time, I draw animation characters and make my own goods, such as griptok, photo cards, and stickers.

What are your goals after graduating from KDI School?

Since I'm still focused on learning right now, I have not tried to limit my options to just one field. I would prefer to consider various paths after graduation. Wherever I end up, I would like to work for an organization or institute where I can contribute to developing global citizenship education policy either nationwide or worldwide.

Nigora Burhonova

2022 Spring / MDP / Tajikistan

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