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KDIS Farewell: A Story to Remember - Winner's Interview with Hoang Linh Dan(2021 MPM)

  • Date 2022-08-18 11:16
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1205

Friendship stories are always heartwarming. Finding true friends away from home who will support you at any time is difficult; however, the friendly and welcoming environment of KDI School allows students to meet diverse people and form long-lasting friendships. 

Be prepared to read the next KDIS Farewell message from a KDIS alumnus, Ms. Hoang Linh Dan, to her friend and country mate Ms. Tran Phuong Ngoc, a current graduating student. 

Let’s begin with a brief self-introduction. Could you please introduce yourself?

Hello, I am Hoang Linh Dan, a KDI School alumnus (spring 2021 cohort) from Vietnam, and I graduated in fall 2021. My program of study at KDIS was MPM (Master of Public Management). 

Could you please share your studying experience at KDI School and its impact on your life and career path (if any)?

First, I was motivated by my work experience as a tax consultant at PwC Vietnam. Having worked in this position, I understand how the complexity of the tax systems poses difficulties for foreign companies working across borders. With those lessons learned, I decided to pursue the MPM program at KDIS to further study policies designed to navigate the challenges of Vietnam's economic environment. As I hoped, I managed to learn a lot by taking a number of courses relevant to management and policy analysis. My concentration within the MPM program, namely global strategy and management, expanded my scope and horizon. I became more aware of and knowledgeable about public management in a global society. One of my favorite courses I took at KDIS was Strategic Management and Digital Ecosystem, offered by Professor Kang Hye Young. This course and many others allowed me to obtain a deeper understanding of strategy and management, and it offered brand new insights into digital platforms: the future of the global economy and the political issues surrounding this topic. As such, my work has now taken a global approach. 

Do you have any memorable experiences or friendship stories while at KDIS and Korea?

I was lucky to have a group of Vietnamese friends at KDI School who I shared many moments with: from staying up all night preparing for exams to practicing hard for the Song and Dance festival and going to 60계치킨 restaurant to eat chicken and talk. I could not believe that in only a year they would become my greatest supporters. Since I was the youngest person in the group while at KDIS, they all took good care of me. I remember when I had a high fever after getting vaccinated for COVID-19, my friends asked the housemaster for medicine and prepared box meals for me. Tran is one of the most supportive and caring friends I have ever had; she used to bring me fruit and bread and visit my room frequently to check my temperature.

What would you like to wish your friends, who just graduated from KDI School?

As I mentioned earlier, Tran is one of my dearest friends at KDIS, and she is a graduating student for the current summer cohort. When I saw the KDIS Farewell campaign sent by the school, I decided to write her a congratulatory message on her graduation and tell her how proud I am of her: 

To: Tran Phuong Ngoc

“With your graduation approaching, I find myself looking back on all the precious memories we have shared together during our times at KDI School. 

We met for the first time in the dormitory kitchen, when anh Minh (오빠) and chi Dung (언니) introduced you as the next Vietnamese student pursuing the MPP program starting in the 2021 Fall semester. From the very first moment, I could tell that you were a kind and supportive friend that I could always lean on. It went from exchanging a few words to staying up all night talking up storms and even becoming one of each other’s supporters.

I know you will hear this repeatedly for the next few days, but I still want to say “Congratulations on your graduation! I’m so proud of you my sister!”

Life might have ups and downs, so no matter what it brings you, just know that I will always stay by your side. 

I’m so excited to see your successful endeavor and I cannot wait to see all of the incredible tasks you are going to take on and all of the inspiring things you are going to accomplish.

Cheers to new beginnings and the new life you are about to embark on!”

Sincerely, Dan

Last, do you have any advice for all graduating students and current students?

For graduating students: 

I hope you can use the knowledge and skills you nurtured during your time at KDIS to bring positive changes to your society. I believe that KDIS has prepared you to take on more responsibilities in dealing with the complexity of the public policy environment. 

For current students: 

I hope you can enjoy your time at KDIS to the fullest by studying hard and also having funnnn!!

Nigora Burhonova

2022 Spring / MDP / Tajikistan

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