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[Alumni Focus: Academia] Hyemin Park (2015 DP, Korea)

  • Date 2022-09-26 15:38
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1177

KDI School of Public Policy and Management has been contributing greatly to the world by training future leaders in different fields such as public policy, development policy, public management, and so on. Today, the Alumni Association of KDI School of Public Policy and Management consists of more than 6600 graduates from all around the world, and they are making  valuable contributions in all areas throughout the public and private sector, academia, research institutions, and NGOs. Maintaining consistent and ongoing relationships with alumni and reflecting on their success stories is not only crucial for the School but also a valuable source of aspiration and motivation for current students’ career prospect after graduation. Considering the importance of alumni relations, KDIS News Center will publish a series of “alumni-focused” articles which reflect the success of members of the alumni community after graduation from KDIS. With this in mind, KDIS invites Hyemin Park (2015 DP) in academia as the third interviewee for the "ALUMNI FOCUS" series.

1. Please introduce yourself.

I am working for the International School of Urban Sciences at the University of Seoul after working at J.P. Morgan, Citibank, and the Ministry of Environment. I was in charge of trade finance in private financial institutions . In the Ministry of Environment, I managed multilateral negotiations, setting SDG goals, the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the Nagoya Protocol. I participated in establishing national strategies for the ecosystem services and evaluating the emissions trading system. Currently, I am teaching environmental policy and development studies at the University of Seoul. Because many students in this school are government officials, I especially try to teach them current policies or dynamics of changing policies so that they can utilize them on the ground or also feel the effect of the education.

2. What are your research fields?

One area is carbon pricing and the sections related to the carbon market. Many students in this graduate school work in power plants, the construction business, and public enterprises, and these topics are connected with their business operations. Accordingly, I am also attentive to their practical opinions while sharing new issues and dynamics. The other area is examining the relationship and synergy among multilateral environmental treaties. 

3. How has KDI School helped/influenced your career path?

I consider myself very fortunate to have met my advisor, Professor Lim Won Hyeok. He takes lots of interest in my research, and I also get invaluable insights while consulting with him about it. The topics of the conversation with him almost always end up being related to studies even when having a meal casually. 

4. Please give advice to the current KDIS students, or please share your memorable moments at KDI School.

It is an exclusively unique characteristic of KDIS that many governmental officials from various departments can study together, which they haven’t been able to do for a long time. When workers from different departments meet for business reasons, it is generally uncomfortable. Because of KDIS, I had many opportunities to meet officials from other departments as classmates and exchange opinions with them about present issues casually. 

5. If you have goals and aspirations to shape the world and pioneer the future, please tell us.

I haven’t made a long term and grand plan for my future. While working in the private sector, I wanted to contribute to society more directly, so I chose to work in a ministry. After that, I got a desire to be a researcher while working as a counterpart of professional researchers. It was because I thought that I could create a different kind of value if I conducted the examination on my own. I think I still have a long way to go because I just started a new field. Therefore, this question is one that I have to keep trying to answer from now on.

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