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Share Your Special KDIS Story - Kay Kaylene King (2022, MIPD)

  • Date 2022-11-07 14:01
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit41031

One of the valued aspects of student life is the moments shared with friends and fellow students, which create long-lasting memories. Meet the winner of the KDIS Special Story PR campaign, Kay, who shares her very special story at KDI School and reflects on her study experience in Korea thus far.

Could you please introduce yourself?

My name is Kay Kaylene King. I am a Spring 2022 MIPD student from Belize, which is located in Central America. I am an Attorney-at-Law by profession and currently work as the Crown Counsel at the Belize Intellectual Property Office. I am also the mother of one of the sweetest seven-year-old baby boys.

Can you please share your studying experience at KDI School so far?

If I can use one word to describe my KDIS experience, I would say it is “life-changing." My MIPD (Master in Intellectual Property and Development Policy) program is a specialized program taught at KDI School by some of the most world-renowned experts in the field. Not only do we get to learn from their expertise but we also have opportunities to discuss issues related to our countries and obtain the necessary guidance, which we can take back home and effect positive change. Our in-class discussions of what is going on in our various jurisdictions with respect to intellectual property have been, by far, the most amazing class experiences. We do not just learn from our professors—we are given the opportunity to also learn from our peers. 

Furthermore, my KDIS experience has not only been about academics. I have also developed a love for table tennis that I never knew I had in me. Thanks to one of the many sports facilities that KDIS offers and to the KDIS table tennis club, I now feel like I could compete in international competitions… against Paget (Uganda) and Patricia (Nauru) of course! When the workload gets too intense, it is always comforting to know that we can take a break and relieve some stress right within the confines of the school, whether it be shooting some hoops at the basketball court, playing tennis, football, or even going to the gym. 

Besides, I met friends from countries I never knew existed. We have had instances where we laughed together, cried together, and shared personal life experiences together. We have created life-long bonds that we will forever cherish. 

Do you have any special or memorable story related to KDI School that you would like to share? 

My most memorable KDI School experience was being able to celebrate my country’s 41st Independence Day with my KDIS friends. Coming to KDIS has reminded me that the world is a big place and there are many countries, especially smaller ones, that we do not even know exist. 

I caught myself many times having to explain to my friends where exactly Belize is and sharing information about my culture and people. I felt that having a little Independence Day celebration would be ideal to share more information about my country and some of our food. 

On the September 21, with the permission of KDI School,  the only other Belizean at KDIS, Joan Alpuche, and I decorated the area behind the kitchen in dormitory building 102 with the colors of the Belizean flag and we invited KDIS students ofto join in the celebration of Belize’s independence. We prepared some light Belizean food ,such as powder buns, garnaches and cheese dips, and we played some Belizean music. 

We had a great time eating, dancing, and taking photos. It was truly a great day for me as I believe that the KDIS experience should not only be about academics but also include learning and sharing each other's cultures and building a network of international friends. I am grateful for the experience provided by KDI school and for the space that they give us to share our culture. 

Is there anything you like about studying/being in Korea?

Coming from a developing country, it must be the level of development I have observed here in Korea. I have been to North, South, and Central America, Europe, and the UK before, but I have never experienced any place like Korea. The level of technological advancement makes learning and studying much easier. Unfortunately, I have not traveled to many places outside of Sejong city, but I plan to do so during my remaining time here. 

Are there any things you want to do while in Korea?

Definitely! My MIPD class has a trip scheduled to go to Jeju Island soon, and I am looking forward to it with much excitement. I also want to visit Busan!

Nigora Burhonova

2022 Spring / MDP / Tajikistan

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