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KDI School&World Bank Conference on Impact Evaluation

  • Date 2022-11-21 16:19
  • CategoryResearch and Education
  • Hit1374

A two-day conference between 10 and 11 November 2022 took place at the Courtyard by Marriott, Seoul Bamdaemun on impact evaluation in development amid overlapping crises. The conference was jointly organized by the KDI School of Public Policy and Management and the World Bank. The conference began with opening speeches by Jong-II You, Dean of the KDI School, and Arianna Legovini, The Director of the Development Impact Evaluation Unit of the World Bank. Both of the distinguished speakers welcomed the presenters and audience and expressed their concern over the current development issues amid the multiple crises which are affecting people all over the world, regardless of where they live. Particularly Dean Jong-ll You welcomed all promising scholars in the field of development from all over the world, he also congratulated the graduate students from KDIs and Sogang University for their ongoing paper presentation during the lightning session.  


During the two-day conference, scholars and professors from universities and graduate schools around the world, such as Oxford University, New-York University, KDIS, National University of Singapore, University of Michigan, and University of Seoul, presented their papers on a variety of issues related to development. The papers they presented during the different sessions covered issues related to accountability and governance, climate change, food security, rural development, gender, and inclusive development, migration, labor and human development, and energy. Furthermore, during the lightning session, several graduate students also presented their ongoing papers and research proposal related to disaster management, agriculture, land grabbing, issues related to child education, and child marriage. 

Daniel Tessema Firrisa, Master of Development student at KDI School, who also presented his research during the lightening session, said “I was impressed by the diversity of topics/presentations, inviting presenters from different parts of the world, giving a chance to students to present their papers as emerging scholars. I would like to thank the KDl School for providing such an opportunity for the students, and also I would like to thank the organizing committee for their hard work to organize such a program and managing it effectively”. Furthermore, he stated that my main takeaway from the two days conference is that “Based on the presentations during the conference I found that conducting research as a team will produce more effective and reliable output/results.” 

Besides the presenters, many graduate students participated as audience members for the conference as well. One of the participants, Andika, who is in the first year of her Ph.D. at KDI School, said “I am so glad that I could join the KDIS-World Bank Dime conference as it provided me an insight into the current research topics in development studies. Besides, it also provided me with more understanding of the Randomized Controlled Trial method which I would like to explore more for my future research. I would like to thank the committee that gave the opportunity for students to participate in the conference.” In addition, another participant, anonymously, in the conference said, “It was a great opportunity for network building as we had the opportunity for direct conversation with prominent scholars from different leading universities and international development agencies.” 

KDI School, as a development and public policy-focused research graduate school, is constantly trying to provide the best opportunities for its current students and alumni. The KDI School and World Bank conference on impact evaluation was one of those opportunities where participants were able to meet scholars, explore new areas of research with more promising experimental forms of impact evaluation like RCT, and discuss their research ideas with other emerging scholars. Students are always encouraged to participate in all such opportunities provided by the School.

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