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KDIS Roommates' Story with Lindsay Chiswe (MPP 2022) and Maureen Ntopi (MPP 2022)

  • Date 2022-11-22 17:44
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1128

Meet Lindsay Chiswe (Zimbabwe, MPP 2022) who shared with us the incredible, lovely and warm story about her roommate who goes by the name of Maureen Ntopi (Malawi, MPP 2022). 

Hello, thank you for taking the time to share your story about your roommate. So, how did you originally meet your roommate?

The university constantly pushes you towards adapting and rising up to face a plethora of different challenges. Finding a roommate whom you get along with is incredibly important, perhaps even more so for people like us who are thousands of miles away from home countries. With my prospective roommate, we decided to make contact with one another before coming to South Korea, so we agreed to book our flights on the same day. Fate went in our favor and we became roommates. 

As we have a shared geographical border in common back home, we didn't clash over cultural differences and our staple food is similar. A lot of people admire our roommate bond. What we can safely say is that being open to the fact that our differences bring balance to the relationship is important.

How did you maintain mutual respect and harmony with your roommate?

Though my roommate is married and older than me, she never demands respect from me; in her eyes we are all equal at KDI. It's the motherly love that she has shown towards me that makes me respect her even more. If I don't get back in by my pre-arranged time, then she checks in on me to make sure I'm alright. We're like sisters keeping an eye out for each other. 

Being aware of my room mate's likes and dislikes, and respecting one another's boundaries has contributed to a happy, healthy stay in the dormitory. As we wrap up our time in South Korea, our biggest highlights have been sharing the same course in the Spring semester and cheering each other on to attain good grades.

Staying up late in the night to register for the field trips which, had it been an academic course, we would have got distinctions for, and going on vacation has all been part of us creating precious memories together. For a memorable and rewarding stay with a roommate, pray, communicate well and show understanding towards each other.

Kutubo Jarju

2022 Spring / MPP / Gambia

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