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Meet the guy who is behind many student interview posts - Kutubo Jarju (2022 MPP)

  • Date 2022-12-16 17:54
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1518

Meet Kutubo Jarju, an MPP student from Gambia, who has been one of the student ambassadors since the spring 2022 semester and is behind many student interview posts. 

Why did you decide to become a student ambassador?

Well, I am passionate about leadership and volunteering. So, when the position was advertised by the school at the beginning of the spring semester, I decided to apply with the strong conviction that I would be selected. Of course, I needed previous experience as a communication officer at the International Trade Center’s “SheTrades” project in Gambia. Additionally, I served as the public relations officer of the Economic and Management Science Student Association during my undergraduate studies. I believe these experiences served as an advantage for me to gain this opportunity. Another reason underpinning my decision to become an ambassador is that I was and still am interested in enhancing my socialization and communications skills.

How have you managed this job alongside your studies since the spring semester?

Honestly, I struggled during the 2022 spring semester to find stories. This is because I was a new student trying to settle down in a new environment. Before long, however, I began introducing myself to and socializing with students on campus and via the KDIS Connect application. Fortunately, the summer and fall semesters have been an easy ride for me as an ambassador.

Nigora Burhonova

2022 Spring / MDP / Tajikistan

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