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My KDIS Field Trip Experience - Claudia Antonina Sanchez Vasquez (MPP 2022, Peru)

  • Date 2023-01-26 14:53
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1320

The first time I found out that the school offered field trips was when a friend told me about going on the K-water field trip. School field trips are highly demanded by KDIS students, so we have to be reviewing the news sections on the one-stop page frequently.

The school field trip to the OnDream Society and Gyeongbokgung Palace was very interesting. The first place we visited was the OnDream Society, founded by the Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Foundation, is a coworking space designed for entrepreneurs who work to address sustainability issues. It was surprising for me to learn that these kinds of spaces are also open to the public so that everyone can experience art and propose solutions for sustainable development. I was amazed to learn that the building, as well as the furniture inside, are all made from recycled materials. Additionally, the site of the OnDream Society building is also of historical significance. I also learned that the Myeongdong area is famous, so I would like to go back there and explore some more.

The second and third places we visited were the Gyeongbokgung Palace and the National Folk Museum of Korea. The palace is undeniably impressive. It was my second time visiting the palace, yet there have been so many things to learn from it each time, as the history and symbolism behind it are astonishing. Also, we got to see the changing of the palace guards, learn more about the history of the palace from the tour guide, and explore every part of the palace. 

In the museum, we learned about the different seasons we can experience in Korea and how ordinary people lived in old times. The customs, traditions, celebrations, decorations, clothes, and food, as well as how traditional houses were built in the past, were all showcased in the museum. Another interesting thing about this museum was that we could learn about and see how traditional weddings, funerals, and other major life events were held.

Nigora Burhonova

2022 Spring / MDP / Tajikistan

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