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Communication plays an important role in life - SAR, Vichana (Cambodia, MPM 2022)

  • Date 2023-02-15 10:05
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1662

At first, I thought I would travel alone to South Korea to study at KDI School. Fortunately, one of our Cambodian students who received a different scholarship from KDIS contacted me and added me to a group chat, allowing me to communicate with other students who were traveling to Korea as well. Later, we discussed how and when we would travel and managed to arrange the flight schedule for the same date. Fortunately, we could travel together on the same flight and rent a single van to take us to the school, as we did not know how to travel via public transportation.

Communication plays an important role in life. At KDI School, the diversity of people is astonishing. I have made friends with many students besides Cambodian students here. I was happy to meet nine Cambodian students at KDIS, and we always help one another, from traveling to cooking. We share our cooking utensils in the kitchen and our food at the same table. Also, I visit many places around Sejong City with them. We have gone together to Korean restaurants, shopping places, parks, and nearby cities.


Some of my special moments during my first two months at KDIS include a surprise birthday celebration at school at midnight, where our Cambodian students met to celebrate one of our birthdays. Moreover, I have been playing football with students from other countries in the KDIS Football Club. We usually train on Fridays and play friendly matches on Sundays. Last, I have joined the ASEAN Forum as well, where I get to meet even more students from ASEAN.

Nigora Burhonova

2022 Spring / MDP / Tajikistan

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