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Share Your Special KDIS Story - SAWANEH, Mariama (2022 MPP)

  • Date 2023-04-12 13:58
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1125

Dear Mariama, could you introduce yourself to the audience? :)

Hello, my name is Mariama Sawaneh, and I am from The Gambia, the smallest country on the African mainland. I am a student pursuing an MPP degree with a specialization in Trade and Industrial Policy (TI) for the Fall 2022 semester at KDIS. I am quite a sociable person who likes to meet new people and have meaningful conversations that benefit both parties. Some of my interests include photography, sun gazing, and basketball, although I am not skilled at dribbling. I am always eager to explore new places and make lasting memories. Currently, I am enjoying my time in Korea, where I am creating unforgettable moments.

Kindly tell us more about your journey at KDI School and why you choose to pursue your graduate degree here.

My experience at KDI School has been so filled with numerous memories that it would be hard to summarize all of them. It all started with me graduating with a Bachelor's degree in 2022, followed by receiving a Master's degree scholarship in the same year. I have always been passionate about public policy, which is why I interned at the Ministry of Trade in The Gambia to familiarize myself with policy formulation, implementation, protectionism of domestic industries, and other related processes. When the KDIS Fall 2022 application opened, I thought I wouldn't be accepted due to my limited knowledge as an intern. Typically, only full-time government officials and private employees were selected for the KDI scholarship, and no intern had ever been chosen before. However, I was fortunate enough to have supportive people in my life who encouraged me to pursue my dream of studying my preferred field at the master's level, including my brother and my former supervisor, who was an alumnus of KDI School. They guided and encouraged me throughout the application process. Fortunately, after a rigorous selection process, Alhamdulillah! I was accepted to KDI School as the first intern from The Gambia.

In your story submission, you mentioned that previously you served as an intern at the Ministry of Trade in Gambia. What are your plans for the future?

My goal as a policymaker is to work in the trade or industry sector using the skills and knowledge I acquired from my master's degree program. I am interested in roles that allow me to take on more responsibility and advance in my career. My plan is to use my degree and skills to pursue a government career at the local or national level, or with an esteemed organization like the International Trade Center (ITC), World Trade Organization (WTO), and so on. In the long run, I aim to become a leader in my field and make a significant impact in the industry. To achieve this, I plan to continue learning and growing, including pursuing advanced degrees or certifications like a Ph.D.

What is your favorite thing about Korea?

Korea is a country with a rich culture, history, and beautiful landscapes. One aspect of Korea that I particularly appreciate is the abundance of conveniences that are available almost everywhere, from school facilities to amenities such as heated seats at bus stops during the winter and 24-hour unmanned stores. Additionally, the country experiences beautiful seasonal changes and is home to landmarks like the Geumgang Pedestrian Bridge. As a foreigner, I greatly appreciate the level of safety that Korea offers, as I can walk freely at any time of day or night without fear of theft or physical harm. The Korean people are generally reserved but friendly, always willing to lend a helping hand when needed. It's bittersweet to think that my time in Korea is drawing to a close as I approach graduation, as I have come to cherish my experiences and memories here.

Do you have some words of guidance for young prospective applicants like you?

As someone who wants to offer guidance to young applicants, especially those who are not yet working in the government sector, I have some advice for you. First, if you're still unsure about applying to KDI School, take it as a sign that you should definitely click that 'Apply' button. It's an incredible experience that you won't regret. Don't let self-doubt hold you back, instead, believe in yourself and your ability to be accepted, regardless of any doubts you may have. Additionally, it's important to ask KDIS alumni and current students any questions you might have and to do extensive research on the institution. Lastly, approach the application process with a strong sense of conviction and put your best effort forward. You won't know what you're capable of unless you push yourself to the limit. I believe in you, and if I can succeed in something I never thought was possible, then you can too.


2022 Fall / MDP / Kazakhstan

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