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Interview with a Representative of the KDIS Intellectual Property Forum

  • Date 2023-05-04 14:39
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1090

Please introduce yourself.

My name is Abdul, and I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Intellectual Property & Development Policy (MIPD) at KDI School. Prior to my studies at KDI, I co-founded Suite & Partners, a startup law firm that specializes in providing Intellectual Property (IP) services to SMEs and startups in Nigeria. Additionally, I lead the management and invention scout team at African Intellectual Property Accelerator (AIPA), an IP incubator, where I helped incubate the inventions of individuals and startup inventors in Nigeria. These experiences have given me a deeper understanding of the IP process, and have fueled my desire to enhance my knowledge and skills in this field at KDI School.

Please introduce the forum.

The KDIS IP Forum at KDI School was established in the latter part of 2022 by the previous set of MIPD students as a student-led initiative that recognizes the critical role of IP in economic development, particularly in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. As over 40% of KDI School students come from developing countries, the forum aims to provide a platform for networking with IP professionals, conducting research on pressing IP issues, and sharing ideas on how IP can promote development in their respective countries.

The forum is designed to be inclusive and open to all KDI students interested in IP-related classes and Fourth Industrial Revolution developments in their countries. By providing a platform for students to engage with experts in the field and share their own perspectives, the forum seeks to foster a robust and dynamic community of intellectual property scholars and practitioners.

The first meeting of the semester took place on March 10th, and we are excited about the activities planned for the rest of the year. With events ranging from panel discussions on the potential of IP in developing economies to networking events focused on career pathways in IP practice, we aim to offer a diverse range of opportunities for KDI students to deepen their knowledge of IP and engage with the broader community of IP professionals.

Why did you become interested in leading this forum?

My passion for intellectual property dates back to my undergraduate days, and since then, I have never been shy from taking responsibilities, especially when it has to do with IP. The KDIS IP Forum is a great opportunity for me to lead a diverse group of students from developing countries in a country like South Korea, which has harnessed the power of IP to drive economic and technological development. By leading this forum, I hope to gain valuable insights and perspectives from students and faculty, which will enhance my understanding of how IP operates in different countries and continents. Additionally, I am excited about the networking opportunities and the chance to sharpen my leadership skills, which will prepare me for bigger roles in the IP industry in the future.

Why do you think intellectual property is important in economic development, especially in developing countries?

Intellectual property has become a significant aspect of economic development worldwide. It is a catalyst for innovation, creativity, and technology transfer, which are essential components for economic growth. In developing countries, it is even more critical as it helps to encourage foreign investment, foster economic growth, and promote the transfer of technology and knowledge.

How will the forum help KDI School students who are interested in intellectual property-related fields?

The forum is designed to provide KDI School students who are interested in intellectual property-related fields with a platform to network and engage with professionals in the field. It will also provide an opportunity for students to research on arising IP issues affecting the world today, share ideas on the role that intellectual property can play in the development of their own countries, and learn about different career paths in IP practice.

What are the main activities planned for this semester, and how do they contribute to achieving the forum's objectives?

We have several activities planned for the Spring semester, given that the registration of the forum was completed late as a result of some administrative hitches. Some of the activities planned include committee composition and handover, governing committee elections, a visit to IP-related organizations, and the commemoration of World IP Day. These activities are designed to help us achieve our objectives by providing a platform for students to network and engage with professionals, learn more about IP-related issues, and contribute to the development of their own countries.

April 26th is World IP Day. Can you tell us more about how the forum plans to commemorate it?

We plan to commemorate World IP Day by organizing an event that highlights the importance of intellectual property in economic development. We will invite professionals in the field to give presentations on current IP-related issues and provide an opportunity for students to engage with them. However, after consultation with our advisor, we agreed to move the event to the Summer semester (May) because the 26th of April falls during the Spring examination period.

Could you share more about the planned visit to an IP-related organization like KIPO or KISTA?

The visit to an IP-related organization like KIPA or KISTA is an excellent opportunity for students to learn more about IP-related issues and engage with professionals in the field. We plan to organize a tour of the facility, hold a Q&A session with professionals, and provide an opportunity for students to network with the organization's staff. However, due to time constraints, we have shifted this item to the Summer semester as well. We were able to embark on a field trip for our Copyright Law class to a number of key IP-related offices in Seoul (CJENM - a foremost entertainment producer conglomerate and KOMCA - the leading collective management organization in South Korea) where we learned a great deal about collective management organizations. As a result of the late completion of the forum's registration, our Spring calendar is far from desirable. In the coming months, we have an array of events lined up for the forum's members and the larger KDI School community.

Who is advising the Forum? Could you please tell us about his/her role?

The advisor of this forum is Professor Yoon Chungeun, who also serves as the MIPD programme Chair at KDI School. His role as advisor is to guide the representatives and ensure that the activities align well with the objectives and goals of the forum. If you want to be part of this forum, please follow @mipdkdis on Instagram for further information.

AL BILLEH, Marina Nicola

2022 Fall / MPP / Jordan

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