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KDIS Hanbok Contest - Winner's Story with MAKATA, Deliwe Alipo Ruth and TRUJILLANO QUISPE, Milagros Del Pilar (2022 MDP)

  • Date 2023-05-23 11:35
  • CategoryStory
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Our student wearing the Hanbok is a beautiful sight to behold. The Hanbok is the traditional attire of South Korea and is a symbolic representation of the country's culture and heritage. Recently, we had the opportunity to interview two of our foreign students who had the chance to wear the Hanbok. Each one had a unique story to share about their first time wearing it, what it represented to them, and the special moments they had while donning it. One of our students was so moved by their experience that they wrote a poem about the Hanbok, capturing the essence of its beauty and significance. The Hanbok truly transcends boundaries and brings people together through its rich history and cultural significance.

Today, we are conducting an interview with Deliwe and Mili.

Deliwe, can you introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Deliwe Alipo Ruth Makata, and I am from Malawi. I am an MDP student of 2022. I am a multi-award-winning development practitioner, particularly working in the areas of youth empowerment, women, girls, and gender development. I am also a passionate writer and a published author of two books.

Deliwe, what was your first impression of the Hanbok?

This was my first time going on a field trip since I arrived in Korea, and I was glad because wearing the Hanbok reminded me that I was indeed on a special occasion, just as the Hanbok signifies. I am not very good at spending time with friends, but the process of borrowing the Hanbok and going around while wearing it helped me to connect with friends at the event. I also felt very beautiful and connected because almost every person would tell us that we look beautiful, and I got a chance to practice my "감사합니다". I loved my Hanbok, I wish it stayed mine, unfortunately, I had to give it back. I felt very luxurious, beautiful, free, and KOREAN! It was a very beautiful two hours for me. So I decided to write this poem for the Hanbok:

"Stunning Korean Hanbok attire,

Its elegance and beauty always to admire.

Hanbok, a feel of royalty,

A vision of grace, portraying true loyalty.

Each fold and curve so carefully crafted,

The Hanbok is truly unmatched.

The silky fabric, so smooth and fine,

The intricate designs, a true divine.

A symbol of tradition, a cultural sign,

A dress so lovely, it's hard to decline.

The flowing fabric in hues of red and blue,

Vibrant colors, delicate lace, oh beautiful you.

A style for the young and old,

A story forever to be told.

Oh Hanbok, timeless you are, adored you will forever be."

What inspired you to write this magnificent poem?

I wrote this poem because I wanted to express my love and adoration for the Hanbok. I believe words are powerful and strong, and I have always used words to explain my intents, thoughts, feelings, and intellect. So writing this poem for me really was just an outpouring of my appreciation and adoration for the Hanbok.

We also conducted an interview with Mili from Peru, who had the chance to try the Hanbok.

Can you introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Milagros, but back home, my family and friends call me Mili. So this is the name I also use in KDI. I am from Cusco, Peru. I am a student pursuing a Master's degree in Development Policy at KDI School, and my bachelor's degree is in Communications for Development.

Mili, what was your first impression of the Hanbok?

The first time I wore a Hanbok was when I was learning Korean at Kangwon National University as part of the language program. We had frequent opportunities to experience the culture, and it was there that I learned about the Hanbok.

Before wearing a Hanbok for the first time, I had seen it in Korean dramas, where it looked stunning with its beautiful colors. I particularly loved the bright and pastel ones. When I finally wore a Hanbok, it reminded me of all the dramas I had watched before.

My first impression when wearing the Hanbok was a sense of elegance and grace. The design and fit of the Hanbok made me feel like I had stepped into a different era. It deepened my appreciation for the craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into creating such a traditional garment.

Another aspect that struck me was the comfort of the Hanbok. Despite its elaborate appearance, it was surprisingly comfortable to wear.

What did you learn about Korean culture by wearing the Hanbok?

Exploring the ancient palaces while wearing the Hanbok alongside my friends was a delightful experience. It transported us to an ancient era, allowing us to immerse ourselves in the role of princesses within the palace grounds. We created unforgettable memories as we wandered through the palaces, feeling like royalty for a day.

By wearing the Hanbok, I gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for various aspects of Korean culture. There is a thriving "Hanbok culture" in today's modern society. Despite the global influence of Western fashion, Koreans continue to cherish and proudly wear the Hanbok for special occasions, such as weddings, holidays, and traditional ceremonies. This reflects their deep-rooted cultural pride and the desire to preserve and pass down their heritage to future generations.

What did wearing the Hanbok make you feel?

Every time there is an opportunity to experience traditional Korean culture, I feel incredibly excited. During my time in Korea, I never grew tired of wearing the Hanbok. The beautiful designs and vibrant colors of this traditional costume are truly enchanting. My friends and I visited the palaces in Seoul multiple times, wearing the Hanbok, and on each occasion, we felt like we were walking through history, appreciating the beauty of Korea's past. We loved capturing photos and were grateful for the opportunity to enjoy this time together. For a while, we forgot about everything else and simply had fun. It is a memory that we will always cherish.

Our students had positive and memorable experiences wearing the Hanbok, and it is evident that this traditional attire holds a special place in their hearts.

AL BILLEH, Marina Nicola

2022 Fall / MPP / Jordan

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