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Journey to establish the first-ever IP Office in Timor-Leste: Recardina Liliyana da Silva (2021 MIPD), WIPO

  • Date 2023-05-24 11:11
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1048

Please give a short introduction of yourself. (Name, Occupation, what you do, etc)

My name is Recardina Liliyana da Silva (you can call me Lili). Currently working as a National IP Consultant in coordination with World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Government for the establishment of national IP system since we are in process of joining WTO and ASEAN. Basically, my main task is to provide technical support and advice to national authorities of Timor-Leste particularly in relation to first, development of the draft Industrial Property Code and the draft Copyright Law, including corresponding regulations; second, establishment and operationalization of an industrial property (IP) office.

Is there a special reason you chose KDI School, or can you tell us the best aspect of KDI School?

I have personal and academic reasons of chosen KDIS to pursue my master’s degree. I can think of three personal reasons. First, KDIS is well-known among Timorese officials. Before the pandemic there are a lot of Timorese officials who went to study their master’s degree at KDI School. From them I received many valuable information regarding KDI School’s academic system and so on and make curious about it and wanted to study in KDIS. Next is diversity and networking opportunities. I knew I could meet people from all over the world in KDI School. Also, KDI school has a large and influential alumni network, which can provide students with valuable networking opportunities and access to potential job opportunities after graduation. 

For academic reasons, KDIS offered me a desire field. I have always wondered what the intellectual property is and how it will help my country’s development. At the same time my country does not have IP system in place which has motivated me to learn and become expert in this field so I can contribute to my country in the future. In addition, reputation of KDIS was clearly not the question. KDI school is highly regarded for its research and policy expertise in the field of development and public policy and its reputation has attracts many students from many countries in the world. Overall, the KDI school offers high level of education with well-structured curriculum. KDI school offers a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on both theoretical and practical aspects of development and public policy. Lastly, KDI school has a highly qualified faculty, many of whom are internationally recognized scholars and practitioners in their respective fields. They bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the classroom and are committed to helping their students succeed.

Please share your best (or most memorable) memory at KDI School.

KDI School is a dynamic and engaging academic community that offers students a unique and rewarding experience that we are likely to remember for years to come. I actually had a lot of memorable memories. But if I have to choose one, it is the “Song and Dance Festival 2021” and the different field trip programs, are some of the best memories. During Song and Dance Festival 2021 I got to see different culture such as dance, clothes, etc from all over the world. It has also satisfied me during all field trip to different places where all students got to know each other more and become close ever since.

How did you learn about the MIPD course, and why did you choose this area to pursue as your career?

As mentioned before, I had huge curiosity regarding IP field. I wanted to develop my understanding and skills in: IP Protection and Business Strategy, International Business, International Business, Economic Development and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Overall, understanding both IP and development policy is critical for any business graduate student. By developing a solid understanding of these concepts, students can protect their assets, become more innovative and entrepreneurial, navigate international trade, promote economic development, and operate in a socially responsible manner.

Among the MIPD courses, what was the most memorable subject; or what knowledge helped you the most in actual field?

For me personally all of the subject specially IP-related subjects have its own impact for my current career. As previously mentioned that my main assignments are to support the development of the draft Industrial Property Code and Copyright as well as for establishment an industrial property (IP) office, therefore through a comprehensive understanding that I received during my study in KDIS on the understanding of different types of IP, knowledge of international IP frameworks, familiarity with IP databases and systems, understanding of IP enforcement and so on helped me a lot on undertaking my current task.

How is the IP environment in Timor-Leste? (Public Awareness, Relevant Laws, Political Interest)

As mentioned, until this time Timor-Leste does not have any IP system in place, except we just have a Copyright and Related right law that promulgated by President and publish in the Government gazette in December 2022. It is now in the process of dissemination. Other than this WIPO is assisting the national authorities to draft the other law namely “Industrial property law” and is still in the process of finalization.

The government has committed to stablish a modern IP system, not only for the shake of WTO accession or for joining the ASEAN but it’s a policy that will motivate and encourage innovation and creativity.

Could you tell me your impression of Korea's IP development experience, or is there any specific case that can serve as a lesson that can be put to use in your country?

MIPD field visit to KIPO was very helpful in order to build our understanding in Korean IP development. Since then, I learned that Korea's IP development experience is widely recognized as a success story, with the country rapidly transforming from a technology importer to a technology exporter in just a few decades. Korea’s development story will always a lesson for my country.

Please tell us about your current work to establish Timor-Leste's first-ever Intellectual Property Office and explain the goal or the expected outcome of the office after its establishment.

In order to undertake my assignments to establish Timor-Leste's first-ever Intellectual Property Office what I do is to:

-Provide expert advice and technical support to the national authorities concerned (MTCI), but including as needed other relevant stakeholder groups on various aspects of the Industrial Property Code and the Copyright Code as well as the establishment of an industrial property office and other IP-related matters regarding accession to WTO and the TRIPS agreement

-Facilitate understanding and appreciation by national authorities concerned and relevant stakeholders in Timor-Leste of the advice and comments made by WIPO on the draft regulations, operationalization of the Industrial Property Code and the Copyright Code, as well as the establishment of an industrial property office

-Sensitize and train about IP and related issues to the national authorities concerned and relevant stakeholders from the private sector as well as the designated staff of the industrial property office whenever necessary and as appropriate

-Liaise and work closely with different Sectors and Divisions of WIPO as well as IP experts and counterparts from other countries as required to fulfill my assignments.

Why is the role of IP emphasized in Timor-Leste's preparation to join WTO and ASEAN, and globalization in general? Also, what are the parts that you can contribute for this? (+in regard to your background in MIPD)

As we all know, WTO administer the Trade-related aspect intellectual property rights (TRIPS) agreements, which require all the members and observers to implements this agreement. Besides, intellectual property protection is important for WTO accession and globalization because it encourages innovation, facilitates trade and investment, and benefits consumers. Strong IP protection helps to create a level playing field for businesses, which can ultimately lead to increased economic growth and development.

My background in MIPD definitely helps a lot. Though it mostly provides a theoretical grounding apart from the few practical subjects we had, the experiences shared by other MIPD colleagues who are experts in this area had helped me learned a lot of IP system from different countries and understand better which IP system can be adapted according to Timor-Leste’s context.

What would you like to comment for international students studying MIPD who dream of becoming experts in the IP field just like you?

Becoming an intellectual property expert is a challenging and rewarding career choice.

That is why I would like you to embrace the challenges and opportunities that come with this exciting field of study. The field of intellectual property law is constantly evolving, and there are many exciting opportunities for those who are passionate about innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship.

As an intellectual property expert, you will also play a critical role in helping businesses and individuals protect their ideas and innovations. You will have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge technologies and products, and to help shape the future of innovation and creativity. 

So, if you are passionate about innovation, creativity, and the law, I encourage you to pursue your dream of becoming an intellectual property expert. With hard work, dedication, and a commitment to lifelong learning, you can build a successful career in this exciting and rewarding field.

LEE, Suhyun

2023 Spring / MDP / ROK

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