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There are several things I love about KDI School (Emmanuel Roy Aquino, 2022 MPP)

  • Date 2023-06-13 10:35
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1422

"There are several things I love about KDI School," shares Emmanuel Roy Aquino, a 2022 MPP student from the Philippines:

1. Trying out the classroom gadgets as a TA. Simple facilities like this in KDI School made a big difference to me compared to my learning experience back in my country. 

2. Taking advantage of the numerous field trips offered by the school is an excellent way not only to add fun to the semester but also to observe Korean culture and development. 

3. Enjoying the sights of the Cheongnamdae Presidential Villa, where I was also interviewed on the spot by a regional TV broadcasting station. 

4. I feel the support of KDI School for all its students in alleviating life worries and studying here through simple acts like offering free snacks during final exams (expect huge queues like this minutes before the handout). 

5. Taking a quick rest in the library lounge. As a frequent user, I greatly appreciate the couches and rest areas where students can get some shut-eye in between classes or let our brains cool down after long hours of research/studying.

6. Exploring Sejong City and enjoying its quiet atmosphere by the Geum River with my kababayan (fellow countrymen) from the Philippines. 

7. Coming to KDI School also meant experiencing the different seasons of Korea - this is another difference that I had to adjust to as someone who came from a country with only two "seasons" (sunny or rainy). This is me excitedly making a snowman as it was my first time experiencing winter and snow. I was so excited that I got tired immediately after (second photo). 

8. Last but not least, I truly enjoyed the KDI School Food Festival, which was the first school event I participated in together with my friends. I cooked a batch of lumpia for my group's stall. This was in the Fall semester of 2022. 


2022 Fall / MDP / Kazakhstan

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