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Interview with Professor Plumb, the director of Writing Center at KDI School

  • Date 2023-06-21 10:12
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1024

Thank you, Professor Plumb, for this interview. First, could you kindly introduce yourself to the audience?

Hello! I’m Christopher Plumb, and I am the director of the Writing Center at KDI School. I work alongside staff members in the Learning Innovation Division and the team of writing consultants at the Writing Center. Students generally know me through my main role teaching English classes at KDI School, such as Academic Writing, Language in Public Policy & Management, and Public Speech & Debate. As many members of the student body know, there have been recent changes in how the Writing Center offers its services. Additionally, the emergence of generative AI tools is changing the way we write and think about writing in academic environments. This means that it is both an interesting and challenging time to be a Writing Center director!

Could you tell me more about the services that the Writing Center offers to students?

The Writing Center offers two main services to KDI students: 1:1 consultations and a walk-in service. Additionally, the Writing Center occasionally offers workshops. With the recent and ongoing development of AI tools, there will be changes to the way writers write, which naturally leads to changes in the services provided by the Writing Center. The Writing Center is currently working on ways to help students purposefully and cautiously use AI tools.

Could you explain more about what a 1:1 consultation involves and how it differs from an editing or proofreading service?

The Writing Center does not offer editing or proofreading services. Instead, in contrast to traditional editing or proofreading services, 1:1 consultations involve the active participation of students. Consultants ask students what they want to work on and respond to their needs. Consultants do not provide extensive editing; this responsibility lies with the student writer. If permitted by their professor or advisor, students are encouraged to use AI tools to assist their writing, such as Chat GPT and Grammarly, for editing purposes.

How can students make the most of their time with a Writing Center consultant?

Students should be proactive and have goals in mind. They should think about what they want to achieve during the 1:1 consultation. What would they like their consultant to focus on? What do they want to discuss? Students can help their consultant by providing extra information related to their piece of writing. For example, they can provide their consultant with a copy of the assignment requirements given by their professor. Alternatively, if they want to work on their CV or cover letter, they can provide their consultant with a copy of the job specifications or job advertisement.

Since it may take some time to respond to the consultant's comments and edit the writing themselves, it is best to make an appointment for a 1:1 consultation well before the assignment deadline (a few days in advance). The service does not function as a last-minute editing service before submitting an assignment. This is especially important to remember in the case of an SRP or thesis.

Most importantly, students should come to a consultation with a willingness to actively work on their piece of writing and, in the long term, improve their skills as writers.

How long are the 1:1 consultation sessions, and how many can a student have per semester?

Each session will last 30 minutes, and master’s students can have up to 3 consultation sessions each semester. If a master’s student is working on their SRP, thesis, capstone, or ELP, they can have an additional 3 consultations.

How do consultants provide feedback during a 1:1 consultation, and what kind of feedback can students expect to receive?

During a 1:1 consultation, consultants primarily provide oral feedback, supplemented by written comments in either Google Docs or Microsoft Word. The feedback provided depends on the students' needs and requests. Consultants can offer guidance on structure, organization, citations, references, grammar, and other related issues. While consultants may offer some written feedback, it's important for students to be proactive and engaged during the consultation, making note of the feedback provided. It's worth noting that consultants do not extensively edit students' work.

Are there any specific areas of writing that the consultants specialize in, or can they help with any type of writing assignment?

Our consultants are skilled in working with various academic texts, including short essays, term papers, theses, and SRPs. They can also assist with resumes, CVs, personal statements, and cover letters. Some consultants possess expertise in meeting the needs of doctoral students and can provide feedback on draft journal articles, job market papers, and thesis chapters. Additionally, based on their professional and academic backgrounds, certain consultants specialize in writing for public policy, such as executive summaries and policy briefs. Whether students are near submission, stuck in the middle of a draft, or just starting to write, our consultants can assist in planning and revising their writing.

Can you explain more about the walk-in service and how it can be helpful to students?

The walk-in service offers in-person consultations (offline) for students seeking advice on their writing. It is designed to provide brief feedback on short pieces of writing. The service operates on a first-come, first-served basis, and no appointment is necessary. Students can simply drop by the Writing Center during the opening hours. This service is particularly useful for students with specific questions or issues they want to discuss, those seeking feedback on shorter pieces of writing, and those looking for a brief session to help with their ideas or assignment structure.

I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Plumb for conducting this insightful and engaging interview about the KDI Writing Center. It was a concise yet valuable discussion that shed light on the numerous benefits the Writing Center offers to all students. I sincerely hope that every student takes advantage of the resources and support provided by the Writing Center to enhance their writing skills and excel in their academic endeavors.

AL BILLEH, Marina Nicola

2022 Fall / MPP / Jordan

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