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The key to understanding the future is one word: Sustainability (Jody Youjeong Park, 2022 MDP)

  • Date 2023-07-12 00:00
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit669

Here at KDI School, we hold sustainability as one of our core values and principles, recognizing the importance of building a greener future. Jody Youjeong Park, a responsible student at KDIS, actively contributes to this vision by practicing green behaviors, starting with carrying her own water bottle.

For Jody, carrying her own water bottle helps reduce plastic waste. The water bottle industry produces billions of plastic bottles each day, but unfortunately, 25 million of these bottles end up in landfills. By using her own water bottle, she can significantly reduce the consumption of plastic cups and bottles, preventing them from going to waste.

Sustainability is a vital aspect for Jody, and she believes that through small yet consistent green efforts, with the cooperation of every citizen, we can not only enhance our quality of life but also preserve a healthy environment for future generations.

Jody believes that practicing sustainability is not rocket science. For those who wish to start their own sustainable habits, they can begin by reducing plastic usage and bringing their own bottles or containers wherever they go. These small efforts can make a significant difference in the world, and it is crucial for all of us, as Earth citizens, to play our part in preserving our home.


2023 Spring / MPM / Malaysia

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