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Driving Change: Shendy Revilla Putri's Journey Towards a Greener Future

  • Date 2023-07-14 10:50
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit686

Hello Shendy, could you please introduce yourself to the audience?

My name is Shendy Revilla Putri. I am a MPM student enrolled in 2022.I work at the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia. As a government worker, it is very important for me to improve my knowledge and expertise, especially in policymaking. I graduated from the Land Transport Academy (STTD) in Cibitung, Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia, with a Bachelor of Applied Sciences in 2016.

Can you tell me about any green behaviors or habits you practice in your daily life?

Green behavior is a kind of behavior that protects the environment from different types of pollution and other factors that contribute to climate change. In my daily life, there are several things I do to practice green behavior. I always try to bring my own tumbler when buying coffee at the Vobiscum Cafe. Additionally, I bring my own shopping bag wherever I go to reduce the use of plastic.

How do you incorporate sustainability into your lifestyle?

I prioritize sustainability by carefully considering my purchases, buying only what I need rather than what I want. I also actively support the Go #PlasticFree campaign. Moreover, I choose to drive less and opt for greener alternatives. In Korea, I primarily use public transportation such as buses, trains, and bicycles to get around Sejong. I choose a bicycle not only as a means of transportation but also for the benefits it brings to my health.

What are some specific actions you take to reduce your environmental footprint?

To reduce my environmental footprint, I make conscious efforts to minimize the use of single-use and disposable plastics. I always carry an extra shopping bag in my bag. Additionally, I consistently turn off the water while brushing my teeth or cleaning the dishes. I unplug electronic equipment when not in use and avoid leaving my phone charging when the battery is already full.

Have you made any changes in your daily routine to promote a greener lifestyle?

Yes, I have made changes to promote a greener lifestyle. For instance, I declutter and choose to donate unused items in my dormitory instead of throwing them away. I donate items like clothing, shoes, food, household items, and more. I also actively support the paperless movement.

AL BILLEH, Marina Nicola

2022 Fall / MPP / Jordan

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