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Interview with Captain NAM, Cheon Woo (2023 MPM) from ROKA

  • Date 2023-08-11 00:00
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit919

Hello Cheonwoo, could you please introduce yourself to the audience?

Hello, my name is Cheonwoo Nam. I've been serving as a ROK army officer for 5 years, and my rank is captain. I was selected for a special course in the ROK army that sent me to KDIS as a full-time MPM student (not GMP). My academic background is in Psychology and Military Art and Science from Korea Military Academy. These two bachelor's degrees are completely different from what I am currently learning at KDIS, which is why I've had some challenging times here. I've held various positions, such as a company commander in various areas. It has been tough not only in terms of operations and training but also in managing all resources for my unit, which consists of about 120 personnel. There were numerous limitations in my daily life as an officer, so I'm now thoroughly enjoying my life at KDIS as a student.

Kindly tell us more about your journey at KDI School and why you chose to study there.

This is my second semester, excluding the pre-spring one, and I'm thoroughly enjoying each semester. Regarding classes and academics, I consider myself fortunate to be at KDIS with exceptional professors and classmates. Particularly, during the spring semester, when I took the POM (Public Organization Management) class, I gained extensive knowledge and expanded my horizons not only due to the professor's enlightening lectures but also the insightful comments from my classmates. I'm currently enjoying all of my summer classes, which are equally captivating in terms of content. You might also spot me fully engaged in non-academic activities at KDIS. I always have a tennis racket with me, and I participate in various exercises including Ultimate Frisbee and football.

I chose to study at KDIS for various reasons. When the ROK Army announced the list of special courses, there were designated majors and research subjects. The KDIS course had 'Public Policy and Management' as the major and 'Reorganization of ROK Army' as the research subject. Given that reorganization is an ongoing and ever-changing task for the ROK Army, and having faced limitations as a company commander while conducting training and preparing for wartime scenarios, I desired an opportunity to study this subject professionally at one of the finest schools in the ROKA. My choice has exceeded my expectations.

How do you spend your free time, and are you a member of any KDI clubs?

I am a member of the Ultimate Frisbee club, where we usually play and practice twice a week. I derive immense enjoyment from this club as it allows me to play this captivating sport and build strong relationships with fellow club members. I still recall the day I was invited to play Frisbee; since then, I've been deeply engrossed in it (special thanks to Dilek, the club representative who invited me and my colleague). I also engage in various forms of exercise during my free time, including playing tennis, working out, and running. I've played football several times with the KDIS football club and even joined an external football club in Sejong city. These activities recharge me, providing the energy I need for classes and assignments.

How do you plan to integrate your academic studies in public policy with your ongoing responsibilities and commitments as a soldier?

As I mentioned earlier, the reorganization and reform of the ROK Army are ongoing battles that affect not only the Army but also the nation and society. Addressing this agenda requires a range of policies and reform procedures, and the Army needs experts who possess both military experience and professional knowledge in public policy and management. I aspire to become a military expert capable of handling this issue with proficiency in both public reorganization and military experience.

I have held various positions that granted me extensive experience in diverse military operations and tactics. I intend to return to the military field to assume even more sophisticated positions that will transform me into a quasi-expert. The academic experience at KDIS not only equips me with an understanding of general concepts and specific procedures for public organizations but also broadens my perspective in line with global trends, such as demographic shifts and ICT developments, which are crucial factors to consider. Thus, the academic studies at KDIS will serve as my professional foundation, ready to be applied to organizational reform and management policies.

Finally, do you have any advice for current KDI School students?

During my time at the Korea Military Academy as a cadet, many of my seniors told me that KMA is like a treasure island, implying that valuable things and experiences could be found as long as one remains active and engaged. After graduating, I realized there were things I had missed during my time at KMA, and I regretted not being more involved while communicating with many alumni.

Similarly, I find a similar sentiment at KDIS, both in terms of academics and non-academic activities. KDIS offers even more opportunities, especially due to its nature as a melting pot. I encourage you to participate in various student communities, engage with your peers, and strike a balance between academic commitments and enjoying the KDIS experience. This doesn't mean avoiding a strong focus on studies, but rather, it suggests embracing the full spectrum of KDIS life without becoming overly absorbed in assignments.

AL BILLEH, Marina Nicola

2022 Fall / MPP / Jordan

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