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Introducing Professor Jeong Yeol Kim: Illuminating Economics Through Experience and Dedication

  • Date 2023-09-20 17:26
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1421

The academic landscape at KDI School of Public Policy and Management is about to undergo a stimulating transformation w ith the arrival of a distinguished scholar, Professor Jeong Yeol Kim.

KDI School of Public Management has recently welcomed the exciting arrival of several new faculty members. For this interview, I met with/spoke with Prof. Jeong Yeol Kim. 

Bringing with him a wealth of experience and a passion for dissecting complex economic theories, Professor Kim is set to ignite a new wave of learning and research in the fields of experimental economics, industrial organization, and behavioral economics.

Welcome, Professor Jeong Yeol Kim. We're excited to have you here at KDI School of Public Policy and Management. Could you start by introducing yourself and sharing some details about your academic background?

Thank you for having me. I'm Jeong-Yeol Kim, and I'm thrilled to join KDI School. My academic journey has been diverse. I completed my PhD at the University of Arizona, specializing in experimental economics and industrial organization. Prior to that, I pursued a double major in economics and Japanese during my undergraduate studies at Korea University, with a sub-major in political science. I also spent eight years in the corporate world at SK Telecom's marketing division before diving into academia.

Your background is certainly impressive. Could you tell us about your approach to teaching, given your unique blend of academic and industry experiences?

Certainly. My teaching approach combines the best of both worlds. I believe in hands-on learning and practical skills, which are often overlooked in today's high-tech world. I intend to emphasize tangible engagement and gradually introduce advanced techniques. It's like building a tower from the bottom up, starting with fundamentals and progressing to advanced concepts.

Creating an inclusive learning environment is essential. How do you plan to foster such an environment for your students?

Inclusivity is a priority. I'll tailor my courses to cater to diverse backgrounds. Core courses will be accessible, while master's level classes will encourage critical thinking. I'll maintain an open dialogue with students to address their needs and concerns. My goal is to provide not just knowledge but also a comprehensive understanding of economics' real-world applications.

Your research interests are intriguing. Can you tell us more about your ongoing projects and how students will be involved?

Currently, I'm researching punishment levels in cultural firms and the behavioral aspects of mobile device usage. I plan to involve students in the research process, offering them practical experience. Those interested in research design and evaluation will have opportunities to collaborate with me. This hands-on approach sparks curiosity and enhances learning.

Contributing to students’ growth and the school's growth is important. How do you envision your role in enhancing the school's reputation?

My vision has two parts. Firstly, I aim to equip students with practical economics skills beyond theory. Secondly, I'll engage in collaborative research to enrich the school's reputation. By collaborating with peers and industry partners, I hope to establish the school as a hub of innovative economic research. Staying updated through conferences and publications will also enhance my expertise and benefit students.

Your journey is inspiring. What advice would you offer to incoming students starting their academic journey?

To incoming students, I'd say perseverance is key. Challenges are stepping stones, and age or background shouldn't hold you back. Embrace difficulties as opportunities for growth. Your master's studies are just the beginning; build a strong foundation, stay determined, and maintain a thirst for knowledge. Like constructing a tower, success takes time and effort.

Expectations are important for success. What are your expectations of students to ensure a successful learning experience?

I expect students to approach their studies with open minds, willingness to learn, and active engagement. Success comes from consistent effort. Those who ask questions, seek clarification, and remain proactive will benefit most from their education.

Lastly, what advice do you have for incoming students who may face challenges along the way?

Challenges are inevitable, but determination conquers all. I started my PhD at 38, and obstacles didn't deter me from my dream. Regardless of circumstances, anyone can achieve their aspirations through effort and perseverance. Don't give up; obstacles are just part of the journey.

Thank you, Professor Kim, for sharing your inspiring journey and insights. We look forward to your contributions and impact here at KDI School.

Thank you. I'm excited to embark on this journey and make a positive difference in the lives of students and our institution.

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Professor Jeong Yeol Kim brings a wealth of expertise to the KDI School of Public Policy and Management. With his multifaceted roles as an adept educator, perceptive researcher, and inspiring mentor, the institution gains a valuable asset. Professor Kim's unwavering commitment to bridging the gap between theoretical concepts and practical applications, along with his dedication to fostering inclusive learning environments, holds the promise of delivering a transformative academic journey for both students and the institution itself. As he embarks on this new chapter, Professor Kim's presence is set to profoundly influence the next generation of economists and emerging thought leaders.

We eagerly anticipate Professor Kim's contributions to the advancement and enrichment of KDI School's student body and the wider community. Thank you Dear Professor for sharing your inspiring journey. We appreciate your commitment to education and the valuable perspectives you've shared with us.

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