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Connecting the Dots with a Flying Disc (Dojun Jang, 2023 MPM)

  • Date 2023-11-03 13:40
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1268

If there's a message that a game of frisbee embodies, it's the reminder to give your utmost effort, while also remembering to bestow the consequences to the sky.

Dojun Jang first learned about frisbee when he met Dilek, a passionate frisbee instructor. Soon enough, it was a friendship that moved from the classroom to the field. The new encounter brought him into the domain of new friendships, team spirit and devotion for a new sport. Dojun saw frisbee as more than just a play. It was an opportunity for many, including him, to create synergy as they play joyfully. Soon enough, the frisbee club grew superbly. 

A game of frisbee links various elements together. Harmonious synergy can be formed when people cooperate and engage in joyful play. It’s not about a competitive mentality where one prevails, but rather about shifting and expanding perspectives through communal interaction. 

In frisbee, you learn how to communicate in various ways. Actions of running, calling and passing which rely on non-verbal cues align closely to the intrinsic nature of human beings, hence, leading to an improvement in your responsiveness and reaction time. Engaging in constructive talks with one another can also boost overall performance. 

Dojun also learned a lot from the people he plays with. He is encouraged to not rigidly adhere to rules or established regulations but instead, he tries to comprehend and embrace his friends as they are. For Dojun, seeking growth and progress requires him to step away from his familiar paths and try out different routes. If his friends move in different ways, he can adjust his approach either by curving or taking detours. Dojun doesn’t feel like he is confined to one fixed solution, instead he believes that friendship is akin to passing to a team member in motion. Coordinating the different strengths of each player allows the team to synchronize and hence, build that important synergy. 

Dojun never expected frisbee to teach him that differences in uncharted territories are the catalyst to value creation by exploring possibilities. Most importantly, he never anticipated finding happiness in frisbee, a sport he’d never encountered prior before coming to KDIS. It taught him to not fret about unfamiliar situations and never underestimate his own capabilities, because ultimately, disparities and discrepancies can create a magnificent harmony.

Congratulations to Dojun Jang of MPM Spring 2023 for winning 2023 Share Your Special KDIS Story.


2023 Spring / MPM / Malaysia

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