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Connecting Cultures and Creating Lifelong Memories (Kwang Byeng Lee, 2022 MDP)

  • Date 2023-11-07 16:52
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit2197

First and foremost, let's get to know you. Tell us about yourself and life here at KDIS.

I joined the MDP program as a part-time student in the spring semester of 2023, and I am currently in my 5th semester out of a total of 6 semesters. I work as an engineer responsible for developing aviation and space-related military equipment at a company called Hanwha Systems. I plan to engage in overseas cooperation projects after retirement, which is why I enrolled at KDIS in the spring of 2023.

The first two semesters were challenging for me as I was studying a major in a very different field. However, I am now enjoying my school life to the point where I regret that there is only one semester left. These days, I'm making the most of my status as a 'student' because I may never have this opportunity again in my life. So, I try to stay in close contact with my classmates and actively participate in various events held at the school.

Tell us about the home visit trip and how it came to be a group trip.

I have participated in the 'Home-Visiting Program' several times, and many of my foreign friends expressed their interest in joining me. So, last spring semester, in addition to the 'Home-Visiting Program' organized by the school, I invited friends, and a total of 8 people spent a night at my parents' house in Buyeo and traveled to the 'National Ecological Center' in Seocheon to attend an event. I also rented a van from a friend so that all 8 of us could travel together.

What was the experience like for your buddies?

My two buddies also joined this trip. By traveling with friends from various nationalities, including my two buddies, we all created precious memories that will last a lifetime. I still feel happy when I recall the memories of the barbecue party at my parents' house in Buyeo, the stories we shared all night, the tour of the ecological garden, and the cheerful conversations while traveling in the van.

What are the major takeaways that you would like to share with someone who would like to do the same?

I believe that the strength of relationships between people depends on the number of happy memories they create together. For this reason, I strongly recommend that students take advantage of the valuable opportunities at KDI School, where they can easily connect and understand each other through the special bond of being students at the same school.

You mentioned in your story how your group attracted attention wherever you went. What was that like? Did you get to interact with the locals and explain what was going on?

When we visited the historical sites of Buyeo and the National Institute of Ecology, many people approached us and treated us kindly, despite the language barrier. They engaged in conversations, took pictures, and showed genuine interest in our activities.

We understand that this must have required a lot of planning and organization, both mentally and financially. It must have required someone to be passionate. What inspired you to organize this extraordinary home visit?

As I mentioned before, I have a strong intention to pursue overseas cooperation projects after retirement. To achieve this goal, I wanted to experience various cultures and local situations by interacting with students from different countries at KDI School. Initially, I started participating in various school events for this purpose, but after attending many times, I now enjoy the events themselves with the students.

How many home visits have you done?

So far, I have completed three home visits and participated in the buddy program three times as well. My first buddy was from Zimbabwe, followed by Germany, and then Pakistan.

MWESO, Bernadetta Tiyamike

2023 Fall / MDP / Malawi

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