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Crafting Dreams and Creating Home: An Unforgettable Memory of Khin Thidar Zin (2023 MPM)

  • Date 2023-11-09 15:20
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1092

It is a fascinating story of Khin participating in a human rights education workshop, which made it her most memorable experience at KDI School. It is very inspiring for her and all the participants. This workshop was more than an activity; it provided a glimpse into the potential of the future.

Khin became aware of the workshop through the Human Rights Center at KDI School, which extends invitations to all KDI School students.

To her, this is more than just a workshop. It can authentically mirror real-life situations. She could vividly envision the kind of future she truly desired for her home and her relationships. Her dream home is one free from control and abuse, a sanctuary reflecting the values she wrote down on the wooden palette. Khin said, "It was a combination of love, care, kindness, and respect."

Both the workshop and KDI School left a profound impression on her. As KDI School students come from diverse backgrounds, their knowledge bases naturally differ. However, the school creates an environment where understanding, sharing, and unity prevail.

The event featured a diverse set of activities, including viewing a compelling short film that delved into topics like Gaslighting, Coercive Control, and Abuse. Attendees also had the opportunity to exchange personal stories and participate in healing art exercises, which particularly stood out to her as a pivotal aspect of the workshop.

Lastly, Khin said, "I wholeheartedly urge every student to seize the opportunity to participate. Your dream home is waiting to be imagined and created, and you'll have the support of like-minded friends. Why not take that step? It's an experience that should not be missed."


2022 Fall / MPP / Cambodia

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