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Chasing Dreams, Finding Love: My KDI School Experience (Leanghai Phalla, 2023 MPP)

  • Date 2024-03-26 11:00
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1289

Leanghai Phalla’s aspiration to pursue a master's degree abroad, particularly in the Republic of Korea (ROK), had been a lifelong dream since his undergraduate years. Upon graduation, he was granted a scholarship for the spring semester of 2023 to attend KDI School, renowned as one of the most prestigious Public Policy graduate schools in ROK. In the vibrant city of Sejong, he enrolled at KDIS to pursue a Masters in Public Policy (MPP), aiming to delve deeper into his interests beyond casual discussions or news readings to academic exploration.

The atmosphere at KDIS reverberated with diversity, intellect, and ambition. Each lecture and discussion ignited his passion for understanding the complexities of policy implementation. Despite encountering academic challenges, he felt inspired and transformed by the experience. During his time at KDIS, he encountered someone special - his fiancée. His friendship evolved into love as they studied and spent time together. Throughout the ups and downs of his academic journey, his fiancée provided unwavering support, making even the most daunting obstacles seem conquerable. Together, they celebrated achievements and navigated setbacks, strengthening their bond.

As he bid farewell to KDIS during the completion ceremony in December 2023, a whirlwind of emotions enveloped them - pride in his accomplishments and excitement for the future. KDIS had transcended its role as a mere educational institution; it had become a place where he found a lifelong partner and forged enduring memories. Additionally, KDIS had imparted invaluable lessons not only in public policy but also in friendship and the importance of embracing diversity.

Departing from KDIS, he realized that his journey had only just begun. With his fiancée by his side, he eagerly anticipated confronting whatever challenges and adventures lay ahead.

Can you recall a specific moment at KDIS that strengthened the bond between you and your fiancée?

Throughout my tenure, we welcomed 16 Cambodian students, and we frequently ventured out together. Through these regular outings, I deepened my connection with her, and our bond grew stronger. Alongside finding a lifelong partner, I cultivated enduring friendships with other classmates as well.

Considering the impact of your KDIS experience on your personal life, how do you believe meeting your significant other during this time influenced your growth and development as an individual?

As a student at KDI School, I encountered the usual demands of studies and assignments. Being in a new environment far from home, feelings of homesickness naturally arose, but meeting her changed everything. She brought positivity into my life and provided valuable assistance with my schoolwork. I especially recall her helping with my SOP by proofreading and giving more insights as we belonged to the same major. With her understanding and support, I not only overcame homesickness but also experienced personal growth. Before long, I found myself confiding in her, and every day was a new learning day.

What is the most cherished memory you have with your partner at KDI School?

I have numerous favorite memories, making it difficult to select just one. However, if I had to choose, I would say my favorite time was when we frequented the library together. After studying side by side, we typically departed around 9 PM. Following our library sessions, we'd take a break, indulge in snacks together, or order food in, relishing those small yet meaningful moments together. It so happened that we shared our first snow experience together at KDIS. We also had the opportunity to enjoy Korean traditions during our first snowfall as a couple, an experience that was new to both of us. We embraced these moments wholeheartedly. These instances allowed us to engage in deep conversations and learn more about each other. I consider those moments to be quality time well spent.

What are your future plans?

Regarding future plans, I am preparing to tie the knot. In fact, during our time at KDIS, we were formally introduced to each other's parents. Upon returning to Cambodia, we got engaged, and we are scheduled to exchange vows later this year. We have been joyfully together and have been diligently working towards our goals.


2023 Fall / MDP / Bhutan

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