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Game On! Navigating Campus Life at KDI School through Sports (M Fahmi Priyatna, 2023 MPP)

  • Date 2024-03-28 15:02
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit632

Priyatna M Fahmi, a dedicated MPP student at KDI School, shared his profound insights into how sports have enriched his academic journey. Fahmi articulated that his engagement in sports transcended mere physical activity, leaving indelible marks on both his personal and academic spheres. Each sporting endeavor, whether it was the thrill of a powerful badminton smash or the camaraderie fostered through casual conversations, contributed to his holistic well-being.

Reflecting on specific moments during his time at KDIS, Fahmi recounted how sports served as a sanctuary during stressful academic periods. He vividly described seeking solace in a game of table tennis, where a mere half-hour session could rejuvenate his mind and facilitate clearer thinking amidst academic rigor. Without such outlets, navigating the demands of academic life would have been far more daunting, underscoring the vital role sports played in Fahmi's academic journey.

Fahmi also delved into the transformative power of diverse friendships forged through sports activities. Interacting with peers from various cultural backgrounds not only enriched his academic experience but also broadened his perspectives and fostered personal growth. These friendships, characterized by mutual respect and camaraderie, challenged Fahmi to embrace diversity and cultivate essential interpersonal skills.

Balancng academic and extracurricular activities can be challenging. How do you manage your time effectively to ensure that you can fully participate in sports while also excelling in your studies?

Balancing academic and extracurricular activities can be difficult, but effective time management is key to ensuring success in both areas. Personally, I find that keeping a structured schedule and prioritizing tasks is essential in managing my time effectively. By allocating specific time slots for studying, attending classes, and participating in sports, I can strike a balance between academic responsibilities and extracurricular activities. Additionally, staying organized and setting realistic goals helps me stay on track and make the most of my time at KDIS.

Beyond the sports mentioned in your article, have you explored or discovered any new sports or physical activities during your time at KDI School?

Beyond the sports I mentioned, there was an exhilarating adventure at KDIS that I couldn't resist mentioning. Recently, I seized the opportunity to embark on a thrilling escapade: skiing at YongPyeong. It was an extraordinary chance, as I had never tried skiing before. Anticipation mixed with nerves as I strapped on the skis for the first time, ready to glide down the snowy slopes. The initial moments were filled with hesitations, but with each glide, I grew more confident. The rush of cold air against my face, the breathtaking scenery around me, and the sheer joy of conquering new challenges made every moment unforgettable. What made the experience even sweeter was the fact that it was free, a rare gem of an opportunity that I couldn't pass up!

As someone who has experienced the benefits of sports firsthand, what advice would you give to incoming students who may be hesitant to get involved in extracurricular activities?

To new students who may be hesitant about taking part in extracurricular activities, I would offer the following advice. Take advantage of this opportunity to explore your passions and interests outside of class. While academics are undoubtedly important, engaging in extracurricular activities such as sports can provide valuable opportunities for personal growth, skill development, and social interaction. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, try new things, and connect with like-minded friends. You never know what doors might open or what valuable lessons you might learn along the way.

Reflecting on his journey at KDIS, Fahmi envisions sports continuing to play a pivotal role in his post-graduation life. Beyond physical fitness, sports would serve as outlets for stress relief, personal development, and social interaction. Fahmi aspires to sustain an active lifestyle, embracing the holistic benefits of sports long after his tenure at KDI School.

Fahmi's journey exemplifies the multifaceted role of sports in academia, transcending the boundaries of physical activity to encompass personal growth, cultural exchange, and mental well-being. His testimony underscores the importance of fostering a vibrant sports culture within academic institutions, where students can thrive both academically and personally through active engagement in sports and extracurricular activities. As Fahmi continues to navigate his academic journey at KDI School, his passion for sports remains a steadfast companion, guiding him toward a fulfilling and balanced collegiate experience.

MEGATAMA, Arief Wahyu

2023 Fall / MDP / Indonesia

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