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Journey of Cultural Exploration: A Conversation with Leeladhar Joshi (2023 MPP), KDIS Special Story Event Winner

  • Date 2024-03-29 09:05
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1402

Meet Joshi, one of our 2024 KDIS special story winners. Leeladhar Joshi is a 2023 Fall admissions student in the MPP program and hails from Nepal. For his winning story, Joshi shares an exciting experience of being a part of the Korean New Year (Seollal) filming by KDIS(click this link to see the full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbPABmex2bU). Because of its highly diverse community, KDIS offers many opportunities for international students to experience Korean culture and share their cultures as well. And in this article, Joshi tells us more about the experience and his life at KDIS.

First and foremost, congratulations. How do you feel about winning the Special KDIS story?

Thank you very much. It was incredible to receive the Special KDIS Story Award. It was already special to be able to express my feelings through a Special KDIS story. But it was even better after receiving an award. I'm appreciative and proud that my story was acknowledged.

What was your motivation for writing the story?

Becoming featured in our school's Seollal YouTube video made me very happy. Visiting the Okcheon Cultural Center with my friends and appearing in the video dressed in traditional hanbok was just one of the amazing experiences I had. It was interesting to learn the customs of bowing to elders and showing respect for them, as well as the Seollal wishes. The most memorable aspect, though, was making tea the traditional way. The entire experience was unforgettable, and I was eager to share it with others. Participating in the contest provided me with the perfect platform to share my experience, and that's what motivated me to write the story. I'm grateful for the opportunity it provided.

How has it been like being away from your family?

Being away from my family has been challenging, especially since I have a young son whom I had to leave at home when he was just 5 months old. The constant longing for and missing them can be bitter at times. However, the supportive environment at school, along with engaging academics, a diverse group of friends, numerous events, club activities, and exciting field trips, have helped ease the pain of being away. Despite the distance, the opportunities provided by the school for personal growth and cultural exploration have turned what could have been bitter memories into cherished ones. The school has become a second home for me, offering a sense of belonging and fulfillment, although I still miss my family dearly.

What keeps you going at KDIS?

At KDIS, I'm motivated by the exceptional environment it provides. The experienced professors are dedicated to guiding students towards academic excellence, creating a supportive learning atmosphere. Interacting with a diverse student body enriches my educational experience and broadens my perspectives, while the abundance of academic and extracurricular resources enhances my learning journey. Additionally, the school's vibrant campus life, filled with numerous events and activities, fosters personal growth and networking opportunities. Overall, KDIS offers a comprehensive environment that fosters continuous learning, cross-cultural understanding, and personal development.

What has been the most interesting part of being here?

The best part of being at KDI School is the many exciting opportunities it offers. From the tough competition to getting into studying policies, every part of being here is interesting. As a government official, learning about public policies and how countries develop is important. Seeing how Korea has grown so quickly, despite facing challenges, has been amazing and has taught me a lot. Additionally, meeting people from all over the world adds to the experience. Overall, KDI School is a place where I'm always learning and growing, both academically and personally.

If you could change one thing in your story, what would it be?

If I were to change one thing in my story, I honestly wouldn't change anything. Every part of my story reflects the wonderful experiences I've had, and I consider it perfect just the way it is.

What else do you want to share with our readers? Any word of advice to those who want to or wish to apply to KDIS?

For prospective applicants to KDI School, I express sincere appreciation for their interest. Choosing KDIS is an excellent decision, as it has been the highlight of my academic journey, filled with valuable knowledge, unforgettable memories, and lifelong friendships. Embrace the opportunity fully by engaging with academic programs, resources, and extracurricular activities. Stay open-minded and adaptable to the global perspectives offered at KDIS. It's an experience you won't regret.

MWESO, Bernadetta Tiyamike

2023 Fall / MDP / Malawi

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