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The KDIS Female Lounge: A place for bliss, rest and support

  • Date 2024-04-03 09:20
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit702

As a female student at KDIS, I first heard about the KDIS Female Lounge when my friend mentioned it to me. Hesitant at first, she convinced me to visit. On the 4th floor, just beside the Writing Center, is the lounge which serves as a special place; a place where calmness and peace come together, making it a safe and comforting place for women who want to relax and find help while dealing with a busy school life .  

When I first walked into the lounge, it felt special. The air smelled like lavender and vanilla, which made me feel calm and relaxed. The lounge is beautiful and is adorned with comfortable seats, calming decorations, and soft lights. What stood out for me were the amenities available in the lounge. Amenities such as a refrigerator, a microwave, and beds reminded me of the thoughtfulness of the KDI School to cater for the special needs of female students in the school.

School can be tough with lots of things to do like classes, projects, presentations and exams. Women also have extra challenges due to the nature of their gender. An effort to create a safe place where women can take a break from all the hard work of graduate school to relax and truly be themselves is a remarkable initiative.

As you can already tell, the female lounge has become one of my favourite places in the school. I have been privileged to make friends, laugh, bond, and share my challenges with other students who can relate to my experiences. I have also watched other female students come together, make friends, and support each other. Women from all different backgrounds and areas connect. They share their stories, help each other out, and become friends. This has created a strong sense of belonging and support among women in KDIS. This sense of belonging and support makes the graduate school feel more like a community. Plus, the connections made in this lounge can lead to lasting friendships and job opportunities.

I am proud to be in a school that has a special place just for women. An area dedicated to offering a welcoming and supportive space, where women can do well in their studies, careers, and personal lives while empowering them, making them feel like they belong and helping them succeed.

In summary, the KDIS Female Lounge is more than just a room. It is where we come to find peace, happiness, strength and inspiration reminding us of the magic that lies within every one of us. I am grateful to have experienced this, and I look forward to many more moments of bliss rest and support within its walls.

ANZAKU, Faith Asheadzi

2024 Spring / MPP / Nigeria

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