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Inside the Student Reporter Program: Empowering Voices, Building Connections

  • Date 2024-04-05 17:29
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit828

With every visit to the KDIS News Center, I believe, a moment of contemplation sweeps at least once over every student. How exactly do these stories and news updates find their place here? Who are the individuals behind the scenes, bringing these stories under the spotlight? 

I've certainly found myself pondering upon these questions during my visits to the KDIS News Center website until I got recruited for the role of a KDIS Student Reporter. 

Who are the KDIS Student Reporters? 

KDI School consistently distributes newsletters and the school yearzine "The Globe", produces the video content ‘Watch the e-Globe’, and regularly updates the News Center on the KDIS website. These channels serve to maintain connectivity among students, faculty, alumni, staff, and other school stakeholders worldwide. 

And the ones who help the school achieve this are the KDIS students themselves a.k.a. KDIS Student Reporters

Whether it's covering school events, sharing academic achievements, or delving into pressing issues, the student reporters bring into highlight the school and students’ stories, perspectives, and insights that resonate with their peers and beyond. 

Joining the Pack: Becoming a KDIS Student Reporter 

Recruitment for the KDIS Student Reporter Positions opens at the start of every semester, welcoming all interested students to take the position of school storyteller. The recruitment process is inclusive, encouraging any enrolled students with a passion for writing or storytelling to apply. The program runs for a semester democratizing the opportunity for all the students and inviting a diverse range of perspectives every semester. 

Every semester there is a team of 4-5 students recruited for the role of KDIS Student Reporter, taking on different topics related to the KDI School based on their interests and reach. Conducting interviews with alumni, professors, and students or attending school events, collecting opinions from different school stakeholders and crafting informative articles for the KDIS News Center are included as the main responsibilities of a student reporter. 

Experiences from Past and Present Student Reporters

For many students, the Student Reporter Program is more than just an extracurricular activity: it’s a profoundly impactful experience in their life as a student at KDIS. Past and present reporters recount their stories of growth, friendships and empowerment :

“The experience was incredibly memorable and enjoyable for me. And I miss the bonding with my fellow reporters and our meetings with the amazing Ms. Lim,” reflected Richie Enecillo (2023 MPM), who served as a reporter for the summer and fall semesters in 2023. “As a former reporter, I want people to know that writing stories is very fulfilling, allowing us to open the minds and hearts of the readers and inspire them to grow.”

Ei Phyo (2023 MDP), a former reporter in the Fall 2023 Semester, shared: “My time as a KDIS student reporter last fall was transformative. Working with the PR division allowed me to connect with diverse individuals,  expanding my knowledge and professional network. The highlight of my experience was contributing to The Globe, the 2023 KDIS Yearzine. Seeing my work published in the yearzine filled me with a sense of pride and accomplishment.”

2023 Fall KDIS Student Reporters Team with their manager Ms. Lim Soyoung.

Similarly, Qamer Ali, a current KDIS reporter for the 2024 Spring Semester, shares her motivation to apply for the position: “I see becoming a student reporter as a great opportunity for both personal growth and meaningful contribution- a chance for me to bring attention to the issues that matter.“

KDIS Student Reporters Team for the 2024 Spring Semester.

As the KDIS community is spread across the world, KDIS Student Reporters are dedicated to keeping this worldwide community informed, engaged, and connected. 

If you are interested in being a part of this journey, do apply as the next recruitment cycle approaches. And do check out the #of course reel on KDIS’s Instagram by 2024 Spring Semester student reporters that offers a glimpse into life as a student reporter. 

LAMA, Lhakpa Dolma

2023 Fall / MDP / Nepal

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