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Balancing School and Social Life: KDIS Students' Perspectives

  • Date 2024-06-21 09:10
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit423

Are you curious about how KDI School students handle schoolwork and social life? We talked to some of them to find out. Let's dive into their stories and see how they balance hitting the books and enjoying their time with friends!

Yin Myo Thu, 2023 MPP, Myanmar

“Everyone needs to maintain a balance between their studies and their social life. By prioritising my schoolwork tasks and organising daily activity goals for myself, I ensure the completion of assignments on time, which spares me time for social activities. KDIS has a variety of social activities for students. By engaging in student club activities, I actively promote a healthy lifestyle through physical exercises and foster open and effective communication with other students through fun activities—specifically, the school board game club, where I play games with my friends weekly. I also deliberately plan my weekends to visit places and soak myself in the Korean culture. I make a deliberate effort to savour new food experiences. My favourite spot in Korea is Gyeongju, known for its rich historical legacy and authentic Korean cuisine, such as Bibimbap, my favourite Korean food.”

Chakreya Bout, 2024 MPP, Cambodia

“When there are lots of assignments and schoolwork, it is overwhelming to even think of my social life, so I always make a weekly planner with my friends to fit time into our schedules to explore Sejong and try new food. Most of the regular social events in Sejong take place on the weekends, so I make sure to free up at least 2-3 hours to get away from my studies and enjoy them. Recently, I found that cycling is a fun activity to engage in with my friends, increasing my enthusiasm to explore new places. Sunset is a golden time for cycling; the reflection of sunlight on the Circle Bridge (Sejong’s ‘이응다리’) is pretty, mesmerising and healing. Cycling around Sejong also allows you to see amazing landscapes and the art of nature”. 

Mtisunge Gloria Gumbo, 2024 MPM, Malawi

Schoolwork and research take your whole concentration, and focusing on schoolwork may prevent you from making memories in Korea. I usually finish my tasks on time and play even harder. When I have assignments, I finish them by Friday so I can have a free weekend to visit places, have some excellent Korean food and have fun with my friends. I have a fantastic opportunity to learn here, and I want to make the best out of it by getting the best grades and exploring Korea. In addition, I love to take advantage of the school trips which involve visiting places in other cities. In conclusion, I start my schoolwork early before it is time for submission so that I don’t have to stress about it when my adventure begins.

Christian Mamaril, 2023 MDP, Philippines

Tracking deadlines and prioritising tasks allows me to socialise with my friends and play some sports like frisbee. I also try to spare time to enjoy myself despite a hectic schedule, preventing academic stress and burnout.

Prado Amao Sheyla Lucy, 2023 MDP, Peru 

When I have assignments, I skim the instructions to estimate how long it will take and then schedule it right before the deadline. For example, if I estimate an assignment will take 3 hours to complete and the deadline is tomorrow at 6 pm, I block my calendar for tomorrow from 3-6pm. This leaves ample time to participate in KDIS club activities or explore Korea without worrying because I have already allotted time for studying. Engaging in games, sports, and activities I love sparks my creativity. When it's time to settle down and finish the assignment, I feel more energised and motivated. I am interested in building unforgettable memories with my friends at KDIS; club activities are the best way to create these memories. I am grateful that the KDIS curriculum is structured to balance academics and social life perfectly. I'm taking five courses this term, and I still make the most of my time here in Korea, creating precious memories inside and outside the classroom.

Balancing school and social life enhance academic success and personal well-being, enabling a fulfilling and enriching graduate experience. I encourage all students to work towards creating this balance. 

ANZAKU, Faith Asheadzi

2024 Spring / MPP / Nigeria

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