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[Home Visiting Program] Professor Dongil Lee's Amazing, Fun-filled Home Visit with his Ph.D. Students

  • Date 2024-06-27 14:55
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit192

In this article, we explore the enriching experience of the home visiting program. We feature Professor Dongil Lee, who graciously hosted a group of students. By sharing his journey and insights, we aim to provide valuable information for staff and students considering participating in this program in the future. Join us as we sit down with Professor Lee for an in-depth conversation to shed more light on the home visiting program, its impact and benefits for the hosts and guest students at large.

Please tell us about yourself. Can you please share a bit about your background and experience at KDIS? What do you think students “do not know” about you?

Hi everyone, I’m an assistant professor of political science at KDI School. Having been at the school for two years now, I am happier than ever to be here, thanks to the amazing students and colleagues in Sejong. One thing students might not know about me is that I am currently learning to play tennis, and I regret not having learned it when I was younger. It is so much fun.

Why did you apply for the home visiting program?

I applied for the home visiting program because I wanted to introduce my family to three doctoral students whom I have been advising or have taught. I thought it would be a great opportunity to discuss our 'non-academic' lives, such as family, friends, hobbies, favorite movies, and so forth.

Which activities did you engage in with your visitors? How many students did you host and where were they from? How did you plan the activities altogether? Which activity did you and your visitors enjoy the most?

I invited three students who came from Ghana and Zimbabwe, and we had dinner together. Though we did not do any outside activities, we enjoyed hanging out together and ended up talking a lot about our lives before coming to KDI School. My 5-year-old son loved playing with Richard, one of the invitees.

From your experience, what advice would you give to someone who is intending to take part in the home visiting program as a host? How about as a visitor?

I would say this is a great opportunity to learn more about the students at KDI School. I bet you will discover many things about the students that you have never known before in the classroom, such as stories about their families. I strongly recommend considering participation in the home visiting program.

Is it very hectic to host? What can KDIS do to make the program more successful and enjoyable for both hosts and visitors?

It was not hectic at all. I greatly appreciated that one can choose different types of activities—either traditional home visit, outside activities or getaways. I am very grateful for this opportunity to learn more about the students.

Richard Kabutey, PhD Public Policy 3rd year student from Ghana, was among the students hosted by Professor Lee and he had this to say:

“I had the pleasure of visiting Professor Dongil Lee at his home, and it was a truly refreshing experience. Sharing a meal with him, his wife, and son made it even more special. His warm hospitality made me feel right at home. Our time together was filled with wonderful conversations and laughter, it left me with cherished memories. It was a way to unwind and de-stress.”

The home visiting program is such a fun-filled adventure that you dare not miss it if an opportunity to participate presents itself. See you on the next home visit adventure.


2024 Spring / MDP / Uganda

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