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KDI School’s Euro-Asia Summer Program celebrates 10th anniversary

  • Date 2018-10-25 06:50
  • CategoryResearch and Education
  • Hit2463

From left to right are Ibrahim Awofe KAYODE (2018 MDP), Amna ASGHAR (2018 MPP), Hyun Jin AN (2017 MPP), Prof. Atsushi Yamada (Hitotsubashi University), Mr. Masahiro Ishii (Hitotsubashi University), Heemin PARK (KDIS staff member), Sumiyajav DORJRENTSEN (2018 MPP), Berik Sagyndykovich TANKIMOV (2018 MPP).


The tenth anniversary of KDI School’s initiative to foster ties between Asia and Europe through its Euro-Asia Summer Program was celebrated with several KDIS students utilizing the summer break to participate in the Tenth Euro-Asia Summer School. 

This year’s program was organized by Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo, Japan, and the University of Leuven, Belgium from August 20 to 31. The summer school focused on bridging the gap between Europe and Asia, with an emphasis on regional cooperation for international development, particularly between East Asian countries and the European Union.

The theme of the summer school was “EU-East Asia Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation in Global Governance”. The school included intensive discussion sessions on subjects such as US and Russia inter-relations and its impact on EU and East Asia, US and EU trade disputes, comparisons of economic recoveries. Several interesting questions were raised during these sessions.

Tankimov Berik (2018 MPP, Kazakhstan)


A participant in this program, Tankimov Berik (Kazakhstan), a MPP student, shared his deep appreciation of the program, saying: I am happy to have been selected as one of members of this exciting program. The Euro-Asia Summer School gave me the opportunity to gain knowledge and share my ideas with experts and researchers on diverse topics such as EU-East-Asia geopolitics, institutional reforms in the two continents, migration and economic policies of Europe and Asia, free trade agreements between Korea and the EU, and China’s ‘One belt, one road initiative’. A really wide range of questions was raised during these two weeks in Europe and Asia.”

Undoubtedly, the summer school program was a great opportunity for KDIS students to analyse and understand global realities and study the factors that influence these realities. During the two productive weeks, the students could gain insights into the relationship between the fastest emerging countries in Asia and Europe, and learn about both the opportunities and challenges relating to the performance of Asia and EU nations  in global governance from  the legal, political and economic perspectives.


The students had a small alumni gathering in Belgium.

By Feruza ALIKULOVA (2018 MPM, Uzbekistan)

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