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KDI School Top 10 News of 2021

  • Date 2022-01-17 07:52
  • CategoryNews
  • Hit1477

1. Dean Jong-Il You Reappointed for Second Term

With characteristic modesty, Dean You says he has not achieved enough to deserve a second term. Thus, he considers his reappointment as a second chance. However, many people think differently. They think that Prof. You has made progress in the right direction, considering the challenges posed by COVID-19. KDI School’s community wishes Dean You another successful term, and we hope he continues to lead KDI School forward as a global trailblazer.

2. Two Years of COVID-19: Zero Confirmed Cases at KDIS

KDI School has achieved zero confirmed cases since the onset of COVID-19 thanks to various adaptive measures deployed to protect our community.
To maintain the high quality of education, course and modes of delivery have been modified and cutting-edge technology installed to suit online/hybrid classes. Also, besides ensuring the use of masks and frequent hand sanitizing, communal facilities were restructured to accommodate physical distancing and frequently-touched surfaces are protected with antiviral covering.
Thank you to every member of the KDI School Family for contributing to this great success!

3. KDIS Goes “PURE” to Save Earth

Mitigating the worst effects of global environmental damage and working towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals are not impossible tasks. They only require a measure of sacrifice from everyone ? a collective effort. This involves making responsible choices about sustainable consumption and our use of resources, but while many talk the talk, at KDI School, we lead by walking the walk.

As part of our commitment to being the cutting edge that drives change, KDI School launched its "PURE (Precycling-Upcycling-Recycling-Education for Earth)" campaign to encourage environmental protection, starting with the establishment of the Basic Plan for Environmental Management from 2021 to 2022.

To promote Precycling, we have stopped using single-use water plastic bottles in our school. Instead, we opt for more environmental-friendly, recyclable bottles. Also, our cafe (Cafe Vobiscum) has launched “Zero Disposable Cups” and community members are now accustomed to bringing their personal reusable cups.

For Upcycling, we transform collected COVID-19 waste masks into furniture after sanitization. We are also working with partner organizations to activate the endowment of school supplies in order to extend their useful lives.
In favor of Recycling, KDIS has decided to prioritize the purchase of eco-labeled products first through Environment Preferable Purchasing (EPP), use eco-friendly business cards made from recycled paper, and expand renewable energy generation on campus.

To raise sustained awareness within the KDIS community, we introduced a 10-day challenge where students, faculty, and staff engaged in activities towards caring for the environment. This article also serves to Educate our audience.
KDI School community is pioneering the challenge to care for the earth by giving up convenience. Global change begins with you, so join us!

4. Curriculum Innovation for a New Era

In alignment with the “Digital New Deal” proposed by Dean You, KDIS has launched Data Science as a new major in public policy. The Learning and Innovation Center has also been established to inspire excellence and innovation in teaching, learning, and Edu-Technology at KDI School. We hope that ongoing innovation will help cultivate and equip global leaders ready to meet the challenge of working in the era of Industry 4.0.

5. The Annual Song and Dance Festival is Back!!

Hurray!! The Song and Dance Festival, where we have celebrated the diversity of KDIS since 2013, resumes this year as we transition into the era of “living with COVID-19”. This 2021 edition features the KDIS Fashion Runway with a display of magnificent attires from diverse nations and cultures.

6. COVID 19 & Dynamic Online Innovations

Many wonder how KDI School remains resilient in the face of shocks. The secret is our dynamism and innovative strategies. To mitigate the impact of the pandemic, we went online and modified our activities to promote interaction and simulate reality as much as possible. We held diverse events online including membership training, completion ceremony, and online sports day. Yes! Online sports day. It was super exciting!

7. Watch the e-Globe

KDIS is known for its dynamism and readiness to change. In this fashion, the KDIS Newsletter, formerly known as “The e-Globe” for the past 20 years, has been digitally transformed into a video format called “Watch the e-Globe”.
We hope to keep you abreast of the latest news about our community in diverse and innovative forms that meet your needs.

8. KDI School Recognized for Excellence

In recognition of KDI School’s high level of international capacity, the school has received the International Education Quality Assurance System (IEQA) Award of Excellence. KDIS also bagged the 2020 Best University Library Award. This will not come as a surprise to anyone who has been to KDIS’s world-class library.

9. KDI School Hosts the 2021 Sejong Public Policy Forum

KDI School hosted the ‘Sejong Public Policy Forum’ this year. In each session, diverse policy agendas and issues were presente by government officials. The forum will continue to be held next year as well.

10. Come and Discover New K-Developedia

K-Developedia website which was launched by KDIS in 2012 was renovated this February: the site design and its logo have been changed. What’s more, the integrated search services and categories provide login users with much more accessibility to Korea''s development experiences.

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