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The KDI School holds the 2010 Open House

  • Date 2010-12-01 09:07
  • CategoryResearch and Education
  • Hit1582


By Mutinda Adelide Kamanthe (2010 MPP/ED, Kenya)



On October 9th, the KDI School held its annual open house at Lincoln Hall. The annual event that aims to introduce the KDI School to prospective students was a lively and packed affair. There were over 170 participants overall consisting of 136 prospective students, 19 professors, staff, and current students. Associate Dean Hun Joo Park started off by introducing all the faculty members who were present at the Open House. After that, he provided an information-packed presentation which touched on several aspects of the KDI School including its academic programs, student life, and extracurricular activities. The next hour was spent on a lively Q & A session between the prospective students and the faculty members. Afterwards, the faculty members and current students hung around to provide more information to the prospective students who were still eager to learn more about the KDI School. One of the prospective students complimented on the support and dedication of the staff, faculty, and current students, and she added that it was a sign of commitment she greatly admired.



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