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Sports Day reveals unheralded talents

  • Date 2011-08-01 05:35
  • CategoryNews
  • Hit1381
By Julius John LWENJE (2011 MPP, Tanzania)




After the Spring Hiking had been cancelled due to heavy rain, apprehension continued that it might rain again on the next big event, the KDI School Sports Day. The news that the Sports Day was to proceed as scheduled was therefore received by a glee of triumph by many students. Their eagerness was demonstrated by the strong turnout in the morning of May 20. Even a drizzle could not dispirit them, who were determined to enjoy the day with or without umbrellas. Four buses were waiting to shuttle each group, as participants were divided into four teams wearing T-shirts of different colours: the Reds (MPP 1), the Blues (MPP ED/PM), the Whites (MPP 2) and the Yellows (staff).

The event took place at the KOBACO stadium in Yang-Pyeong, Gyeong-Gi Province.  It took us about one hour or so to reach at the stadium, which offered a view of a beautiful lake and perfectly arranged flowerbeds.

As participants gathered by their respective teams, the MC started by cheering them with funny remarks. With massive applause and ululations, she welcomed the Associate Dean Park, Hun Joo for opening remarks. Congratulating all the participants who had turned up for the event despite the weather, Professor Park emphasised that the event was not about wining but rather about having fun and enjoying each other’s company. These few words marked the opening of the Sports Day.

Dodge ball was the first game of the day, followed by foot ball and relay race. Participants dispersed in their respective groups for their final arrangements for the ensuing games.

All social gaps disappeared for a while. It was indeed interesting to see how professors, students and staff mixed to play sports which were to reveal a number of hidden talents within the KDI School community. During the dodge ball, we witnessed talented dodgers who could no doubt dodge bullets with ease. The way they acrobatically managed to dodge balls made even their opponent applaud in appreciation. Though it was a new game to most players, most of them were able to cope with the rules and tricks within minutes. Football was even more interesting. There were some players for whom it was obviously their first time not only to play football but also to kick the ball. On encountering the ball, some could be seen hesitating as if questioning themselves which leg to use in kicking the ball, inducing a collective burst of laughter. In contrast, a few participants showed all the possibilities of becoming a professional player if only they made it their career. Their control of the ball and sharp passes constantly fascinated the crowd. Relay race unveiled a bank of sprinters that KDI School did not know we possess. Each team endlessly cheered their athletes who struggled to take the lead. The energy and enthusiasm from every participant in all the games were amazing to behold.

Finally the MC welcomed the Associate Dean again for closing remarks and a prize presentation. Professor Park acknowledged the staff’s efforts in successfully organising the event, and extended his appreciation for the faculty participants for their friendly support. Lastly he celebrated the fellowship and togetherness borne by students’ earnest participation. In the award ceremony, the Reds emerged an overall winner with a total of 270 points, followed by the Yellows, the Whites and finally the Blues. The stadium was in total commotion for a while as each team was busy dividing prizes. A raffle draw finalized the day whereby more than ten luckiest participants received a gift certificate worth of 10,000 KRW.

Though most participants went empty-handed, everyone was carrying something on his or her way back, whether it being a prize, drinks or leftover snacks. Everyone was tired but fully satisfied and happy. The cheerful spirit and lingering excitement on the ride home made it apparent that everyone came out a winner.


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