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Leveraging KDIS Library Resources: A Quick Guide for Student Users

  • Date 2024-05-21 09:15
  • CategoryResearch and Education
  • Hit772

The KDI School Library stands out for the extensive range and profound depth of its collection. The library boasts a wide selection of books, journals, and other materials that cover a wide range of topics, from classic academic journals to articles or magazine creative writing. Whether I am researching for my academic writing or seeking inspiration for a short news story, I can always find the resources I need within the library's walls. In this article, I provide my quick guide to the different ways in which KDIS students can leverage the resources provided at the library.

Different types of materials can be found at the KDIS Library. These materials include references, books/ebooks, journals/articles, theses/dissertations, web DB, e-newspapers, and magazines. These materials can be accessed through the catalogue search on the KDIS Library website, and this search can be made using the subject area or name of the material. When researching for my academic writing, I am amazed by the invaluable resources available. Also, the helpful library staff are readily available to aid and support me whether I require direction in locating a particular book or assistance in accessing the library's digital materials.

One aspect of the library that students do not fully utilize is the reading list given by professors for each course. Professors provide a reading list on the EKDIS website to aid student’s understanding of the course, and this list can be accessed using the library. This is done by going to https://ekdis.ac.kr, then selecting the course title and clicking on the “Reading list (Library)” button on the course home. This automatically redirects you to the library’s website to find the materials recommended by the professor. These reading suggestions are helpful in further understanding of the course.

In addition to the library's impressive collection and staff, the school also provides a range of workshops and emails that assist students in making better use of the resources. Sometimes, it can be stressful finding these resources, but these workshops and emails go a long way in easing the process. It was during one of these workshops that I learnt how to access credible journals relating to my research. Another fascinating thing that the library offers is the snack event for students during reading week. They offer a variety of snacks to students when they are studying for their exams, and I consider that thoughtful. 

One student I interviewed also shared his thoughts on the KDI School Library: “I always hated going to the library during my undergraduate days, but KDIS Library changed my mindset. It has provided me with a serene atmosphere and ample study areas, which have been crucial in allowing me to immerse myself in my academic process. I am always excited to explore the wealth of knowledge available”. 

As the summer semester begins, I hope every student takes advantage of the abundant resources at the KDIS Library to support their academic experience. See you in the library! I hope you have an amazing study time. 

ANZAKU, Faith Asheadzi

2024 Spring / MPP / Nigeria

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