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Professor Changkeun Lee published two papers about artificial intelligence and automation in Korean journals

  • Name최고관리자
  • Date 2024-06-12 10:31
  • Hit125

Professor Changkeun Lee published two papers about artificial intelligence and automation in Korean journals 사진1

Changkeun Lee published two papers about artificial intelligence and automation in Korean journals: "Measuring Artificial Intelligence Adoption: Why Corporate Strategy and Organizational Capacity Matter" in Journal of Korean Economic Analysis and "Smart Factory and Labor Demand: Workload Changes by Smartification Level and Occupation" in Journal of Technology Innovation. 

The first one, coauthored with Dongook Choi at Sangmyung University, reveals a significant measurement gap in firm's adoption of artificial intelligence and calls for better measurement focusing on actual implementation in decision making. The second paper, coauthored with Olivia Hye Kim at Yonsei University, explores the uneven effects of factory smartification on labor demand.