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Events & Seminars

Find errors in the new website and win a gift!

  • Name최고관리자
  • Date2022-04-18 09:48
  • Hit3,582
  • Event Date 2022-04-18 ~ 2022-04-24

We have finally finished our digital spring cleaning – refreshing and reorganizing the official website of KDI School and its affiliated websites! Why not take a look around the website and check out some of the new and improved content?

If you find any incorrect information, errors, or technical bugs, we want to know! 

If you let us know, you will be eligible for inclusion in a lottery. We will hold a lottery for those who participate in the event.

100 domestic participants will receive Starbucks gift cards (worth 14,000 won), and 20 overseas participants will receive a KDI School souvenir.

We look forward to your participation – and thanks in advance for your help with our digital spring cleaning!

Click here to register any errors you find → https://forms.gle/w7BfwJMeDSZA3f1K9